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13 Percentage of successful primary operations to number of
births, calculated at
4 per cent. in each district.—Appended to these or-
ders is a table showing the percentage of successful primary operations
to the number of births, calculated at 4 per cent. in each district. The
number of successful operations varies from 36,066, nearly one-tenth of
the whole in Kumaun, to 941 in Lalitpur. The proportion of operations
to births is probably something larger than appears from the statement,
no allowance being here made for infant deaths. In Bombay it is noticed
that one-thirteenth of the assumed annual births is excluded from the cal-
culation, and the proportion struck on the balance. All that can be said in
the North-Western Provinces is that the figures at Table A. give a mini-
mum. Dehra, with a percentage of 100.4; Jalaun with 67.5 of the assumed
births vaccinated; Bijnor, with 58.2; Saharanpur, with 56.3; Moradabad,
with 44.7; and Bareilly and Budaun, with 41 per cent. each, are the most
satisfactory districts, excepting of course the Kumaun Division. Basti
(8.l), Allahabad (9.9), Lalitpur (11.09), Jaunpur (12.9), Banda (13.9),
are among the worst.

14.   Interest in vaccination work taken by District Officers —There
is in the reports of all Provinces a decided consensus of opinion that
where the District Officers take an intelligent interest in the subject,
the results obtained are proportionately good ; and this opinion is fully
borne out by the figures of the present report. The interest taken by
Mr. Oldharn in Ghazipur in the subject, as mentioned by Dr. Richard-
son in para. 25 of your report, contributes doubtless to the percentage of
24.8 of primary vaccinations, which is higher by far than any other dis-
trict in the Allahabad or Beuares Divisions. In Allahabad and Fatehpur
again the Superintendent complains of "the absence of interest in the
subject of the Magistrates and Collectors." The result is that as might
have been expected, Allahabad ha9 a percentage of 9.9 only ; while
Fatehpur, though better, has a percentage of only 17. Cawupore on the
other hand has 33.8.

15.   Apathy on the part of certain District Officers.—The attention of
Magistrates of the worst districts, as noted in para. 14, and of the Magis-
trate of Fatehpur will be invited to the matter; and the Lieutenant-
Governor desires to take this opportunity of saying that apathy on such
a subject is not creditable to District Officers. No direct pressure is re-
quired or would be allowed. But enquiries when on tour, an interview
granted to the vaccinator, and explanation as opportunity offers to the
landowners, are enough. The Lieutenant-Governor's wishes on the
subject have already been made known, and His Honor hopes that he
will not have to notice recurring inattention hereafter.

16.    Extension of the system of suppotting vaccinators from funds
raised under Act XX. of
1856.—You suggest in para. 18 of your report
that the system of supporting vaccinators from funds raised under
Act XX. of 1856 should be more widely extended. In this suggestion
the Lieutenant-Governor concurs. There are large balances in many
towns under Act XX., and a contribution of half the pay of a vaccinator
would be little felt. Commissioners of Divisions will be asked at once to
take the subject into consideration, and to report what amount they can