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strange that the percentage of success of this class should be highest of
all. The reason may partly be, as you say, the prohibition, of which the
Lieutenant-Governor has now heard for the first time, against municipal
vaccinators working outside municipal limits. On this subject His
Honor quite concurs in the views expressed by you, and will issue such
orders as may be required on receipt of the further communication which
you promise.

6.   Meerut Cantonment.—The improvement in Meerut Cantonment
is noticed with satisfaction, and will doubtless attract the attention of the
authorities of other cantonments.

7.    Vaccination in Native States.—No mention has been made in
your report of vaccination in the Native States of Bundelkhand, nor have
the customary statements been sent. I am to request that this omission
may now be supplied.

8.    Conclusion.—In conclusion, I am to acknowledge the valuable
services rendered by you and by your officers. The thanks of the Govern-
ment are also due to the Rája of Tehri, and to the other gentlemen,
European and Native, who have aided in the cause of vaccination. A
parwana acknowledging his good services will be sent, as recommended,
to the Robertsganj vaccinator.

                                                      I have the honour to be,


                                                        Your most obedient Servant,

                                                                      B. W. COLVIN,

                                                         Offg. Secretary to Government,

                                                                        North- Western Provinces.