( 4 )

limited number of persons the increase in the numbers of those who
have been previously vaccinated may reduce the operations, and in
many places the decrease in the past three years, as compared with
those preceding, is partly attributable to a decreased birth rate. The
Vaccination Act is in force in all municipalities in these Provinces. In
his paragraphs 19 and 20 the Sanitary Commissioner has noticed the
municipalities in which the administration of the Act is least effective,
and District Officers will be asked to bring his remarks to the notice
of the Chairmen of the Boards concerned. The Commissioner, Meerut
Division, should report to Government the circumstances under which
it is stated that vaccination has practically ceased to be compulsory
within the municipalities of the Aligarh district.

9. The Sanitary Commissioner is requested to convey the acknow-
ledgments of Government to the gentlemen mentioned in paragraph 21
of the report as having rendered especial assistance to the Department
during the year 1898-99. Major Thorold, Officiating Sanitary Com-
missioner, has submitted a clear report on the triennial period. In
1898-99, as in the preceding years, the Government was obliged by
circumstances to make exceptional demands on the time and energy of
Lieutenant-Colonel Thomson and the Deputy Sanitary Commissioners;
and the Lieutenant-Governor and Chief Commissioner recognises that
these officers bestowed upon the Vaccination Department all the atten-
tion that could be spared from more immediately pressing needs.

ORDER.—Ordered that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded
to the Sanitary Commissioner and Superintendent-General of Vaccina-
tion, North-Western Provinces and Oudh, for information.

Ordered also that a copy, with a copy of the Report, be forwarded
to the Secretary to the Government of India, Home-Department, for
the information of the Governor-General in Council.

Ordered also that the Resolution be published in the North- Western
Provinces and Oudh Government Gazette.

                                                      L. M. THORNTON,

                                                                  Secy. to Govt., N.- W. P. and Oudh.