( 2 )

Province. The total number of persons vaccinated during 1899-1900
in the first or western circle (719,739) did not differ greatly from that
(783,939) in the second or eastern circle, but there was the usual
difference (on which Government commented last year) in infantile
vaccination, 531,100 children under one year of age having been
successfully vaccinated in the 1st Circle and 317,575 in the 2nd Circle.
The latter figure, however, shows a considerable advance from that
(199,199) in the preceding year.

4. The number of successful primary operations in municipal towns
in 1899-1900 was 116,656, and of successful re-vaccinations 3,07,1 as
compared with 101,828 and 2,545 respectively in the previous year:
the proportion successfully vaccinated per 1,000 of the population being
33.10 in 1898-99 and 37.97 in 1899-1900. At the suggestion of the
Army Sanitary Commission the Government of India directed the
inclusion in the Vaccination Report of a statement relating to children
under one year of age in municipal towns. In this statement (given
in paragraph 12 of the report) the number available for vaccination is
calculated by deducting from the number of births during the year the
number of children under one year who died; but, as a good many of the
latter were doubtless born in the preceding year, the calculation does
not appear to be trustworthy. Moreover, many of the children who
died were, until they died, available for vaccination. It is supposed
that these causes account for the fact that in many towns the number
of infants shown as successfully vaccinated exceeds the number shown
as available for vaccination.

5. The acknowledgments of Government should be conveyed by
the Sanitary Commissioner to the gentlemen who are mentioned in
paragraph 14 of the report as having rendered special assistance to
the Department during the year.

ORDER.—Ordered that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded
to the Sanitary Commissioner and Superintendent-General of Vaccina-
tion, North-Western Provinces and Oudh, for information.

Ordered also that the Resolution be published in the North-
Western Provinces and Oudh Government Gazette.

                                                By order, &c.,

                                                L. M. THORNTON,
                                          Secy, to Govt., N.- W. P. and Oudh.