( 2 )

adequate criterion of the work done in large districts like Gorakhpur and
Meerut. I am to observe, however, that the very low figure (14.66 per
cent.) in this column under Assistant Superintendents against Mirzapur
is not sufficiently explained by the reason which you give, viz., the
sparsely populated character of the district. Doubtless the Assistant
Superintendent can do a less number of inspections in a day's journey,
but the vaccinations will be less also.

4. I am to request that you will convey the acknowledgments of
Government to the gentlemen who gave assistance in the cause of
vaccination, and whose names are mentioned in your letter No. 2303,
dated 9th August 1902.

                                                            I have the honour to be,
                                                      Your most obedient servant,

                                                                  L. M. THORNTON,
