( 3 )

Vaccination in municipalities.

11. During 1918-19, 127,499 persons were vaccinated, against 121,092 in
1917-18. The vaccination operations performed in
the two years numbered 128,751 (94,328 primary and
34,423 re-vaccination) and 122,798 (110,932 primary and 11,866 re-vaccination),
respectively. The total number of successful cases amounted to 88,681 with a
success percentage of 95.54 in the case of primary vaccination and to 17,586 with a
percentage of 57.12 in the case of re-vaccination, during the year under report, as
compared with 105,751 and 96.41 and 7,006 and 68.33, respectively, in the preced-
ing year. The ratio of 36.38 represents the degree of protection afforded per mille
of population in 1918-19, as compared with 38.60 in 1917-18. Among the well
protected municipalities Ghaziabad with 134.91 heads the list, followed by
Ghazipur with 105.07, Naini Tal with 97.78, Jaunpur with 89.63 and Hapur
with 79.20. Jaunpur which occupied the top of the list last year changed its
position to fourth this year and Naini Tal which was fourth stood third. The
most conspicuous of the worst protected municipalities are Mainpuri (13.12),
Bijnor (16.34), Farrukhabad-cum-Fatehgarh (19.58), Brindaban (19.95) and Dehra
Dun (20.79). Mainpuri held the same position this year as it did last year (i. e.
first), while Dehra Dun changed its position from the fourth to fifth.

The successful vaccinations performed on children under one year of age
in the municipalities in 1918-19 (which are shown in Appendix B) numbered 66,522
as against 85,127 in 1917-18. The cause of decrease is due to high mortality
among infants, as explained elsewhere in the Notes.

Vaccination in cantonments.

12. The number of vaccination operations performed and the number
of persons vaccinated in the cantonments of these
Provinces during the year under report were 54,883
(21,492 primary and 33,391 re-vaccination) and 54,869 against 27,064(13,105
primary and 13,959 re-vaccination) and 26,978, respectively, in the preceding
year. The percentage of successful cases in which the results were known
amounted to 94.54 as regards primary and 57.61 as regards re-vaccination in
1918-19, compared with 94.68 and 69.08, respectively, in 1917-18, while the
protection afforded per mille of population was 172.40, against 111.37. The figures
show an improvement over the last year's under all the heads noted above except
that under "percentage of successful cases of re-vaccination" in which there is
a decrease and the head " percentage of primary successful cases " in which the
ratios of the two years are practically the same.

Vaccination in notified areas.

13. Colonelganj-cum-Sikrara (Gonda) and Moghal Sarai (Benares) were
added to the list of notified areas during the year
under report—the former from 1st April and the latter
from 1st October, 1918. The number of notified areas in these Provinces in the
year thus rose to 50 from 48 in 1917-18. The figures of Moghal Saral for 1918-19
being not available have not been taken into account while those of Colonelganj-
cum-Sikrara though available, have been excluded from the returns of 1918-19
for the purpose of comparison. The number of persons vaccinated and that
of operations performed in the 48 notified areas (excluding Colonelganj-cum-Sikrara
and Moghal Sarai) in 1918-19 were 20,104 and 20,227, respectively, against 17,964
and 18,335 in 1917-18. Of the 20,227 operations 18,623 were primary and 1,604
re-vaccination, against 14,896 and 3,439, respectively, in the previous year. The
total number of successful primary vaccinations amounted to 18,047 with a
percentage success 97.62 and that of successful re-vaccinations to 967 with a
percentage of 65.34 during the year under report, compared with 14,223 with
96.37 and 1,948 with 70.71, respectively, in the preceding year. The number of
persons successfully vaccinated per 1,000 of population was 55.36 against 47.08.
The returns show an increase under all the heads except " re-vaccination opera-
tions " and " successful cases of re-vaccination."

Vaccination Act.
General results of inspection.
(Statement V.)

14. The Vaccination Act is in force in all the municipalities and canton-
ments and in 46 out of 50 notified areas.

15. (a) By Deputy Sanitary Commissioners and
District Superintendents of Vaccination.
the year under report the Deputy Sanitary Commissioners and the District
Superintendents of Vaccination inspected 171,426 (including 881 of previous