( 5 )

Haldwani in the Naini Tal district (17.33). Bhowali, Kaimganj, and Bargain Bazar
show some improvement over last year, while Shahganj practically maintains the
same position. The decrease in Ramnagar is due to the fact that there being
no small-pox a lesser number of re-vaccinations was performed. In Mau it is
ascribed to non-co-operation movement while in Haldwani to the decrease of
population in the Tarai and Bhabar.

Vaccination Act.

16. The Vaccination Act is in force in all the municipalities (except
Baraut, lately converted into a municipality) notified
areas, and cantonments.
The municipality of Ghazipur passed a resolution recommending the with-
drawal of the operation of the Act from that municipality but it was rejected
by Government.

General results of inspection.
(Statement V.)

16. (a) By Assistant Directors of Public Health and District Superintend-
ents of Vaccination.
The total number of vacci-
nations inspected by the Assistant Directors of Pub-
lic Health and District Superintendents of Vaccination during the year 1921-22
(excluding 654 of previous years not shown in statement no. V) amounted to
155,195 (153,952 primary and 1,243 re-vaccination) as compared with 147,022
(142,518 primary and 4,504 re-vaccination) in 1920-21—indicating an increase
of 8,173. The percentage of inspections to the total number vaccinated during
the year under review was 13.45 in respect of primary and 1.94 in respect of
re-vaccination as against 11.42 and 4.52, respectively, in the preceding year.
Among the districts showing a large number of inspections Bulandshahr and
Jaunpur retained their position of the last year as first and second with 12,064
and 10,125, respectively. Then came Azamgarh with 9,549, Ballia with 8,081, and
Pilibhit with 6,974. Azamgarh, which stood sixth last year, occupies the third
position with an increase of 3,427 inspections, while Pilibhit, which was third, went
down two stepslower with a decrease of 2,774 inspections. Ballia though occupying
the same position (fourth) has shown an increase of 1,107 inspections as compared
with last year.

Separate assistant directors of public health on general duties having
been posted to the ranges, a much larger number of vaccination operations was
inspected in 1921-22 as compared with 1920-21.

(b) By Assistant Superintendents of Vaccination and other inspecting
The return of work under this head during the year under report
indicates a falling off as compared with the preceding year—the number of
inspections for the two years being 580,917 (560,252 primary and 20,665
re-vaccination) and 605,824 (678,551 primary and 27,273 re-vaccination)
respectively. The percentages of inspections performed by these officers to the
total number vaccinated were 48.95 in the case of primary and 32.20 as regards re-
vaccination against 46.36 and 27.37. Gorakhpur, where there are two assistant
superintendents of vaccination, stood first as usual on the list of the districts
showing the largest number of inspections (29,963) and was followed by Jaunpur
with 19,114. Then came in order Budaun, Basti, and Aligarh with 18,573, 17,549,
and 16,651 inspections, respectively. Jaunpur, which was fifth last year, stood,
second this year, while Basti and Budaun have interchanged their positions of the
last year. Among the districts which were backward in respect of the number of
inspections performed the most conspicuous were Dehra Dun (3,757), Naini Tal
(5,662), Fyzabad (5,745) Shahjahanpur (6,150), and Gonda (6,789). Of these, Shah-
jahanpur showed a slight improvement over last year. The percentage of cases
found successful of the total number inspected during the year under review was
96.02 in the case of primary vaccinations and 51.83 in that of re-vaccinations as
compared with 95.81 and 53.33, respectively, in the preceding year. The district
superintendents of vaccination concerned will be asked to warn the assistant
superintendents of vaccination to devote more attention to this part of their duty.

Provincial Bovine Lymph Dé-
pôt. Patwa Dangar
(Naini Tal District.)

17. During the year under report the supervising charge of the Dépôt
was held by Lieutenant-Colonel C. L. Dunn, I.M.S.,
Superintendent-General of Vaccination, who made
the following remarks at the Dépôt staff in the annual
report for 1921-22:—

" The Superintendent (Captain E. H. Morbey, I. A. R.) has again carried
out his duties to my entire satisfaction and it is solely due to the ability and
zeal and the economics and improvements he has introduced that the work of the