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The returns received so far indicate a decrease in vaccination operations
performed during the year. It is, however, gratifying to note that the
percentage of successful primary operations has risen from 89.04 in 1923-
24 to 93.75 in 1924-25.

Lymph issued during the year was of good quality and high potency.

During the hot weather a breakdown occurred in the cold storage plant
and engines. Consequently an expert Engineer had to be summoned
by wire from Calcutta who was able to patch up the plant so as to carry
on till the cold weather when the whole plant was dismantled and put
in thorough working order. The total cost of replacing the defective parts
and purchasing spares, tools, etc., amounted to Rs. 4,393.

Fourteen thousand five hundred and eighty-three grammes of glyceri-
nated lymph of the strength of 1 in 3 and 12 grammes of glycerine paste have
been manufactured and placed in the cold storage for issue during 1925-26.

The lighting plant worked satisfactorily during the year.

Water-supply.—The water-supply of the dépôt during the hot season
has for some considerable time been found inadequate with the result that
Government were asked for a grant of Rs. 3,044 to build a large reservoir
at the dépôt for the storage of water.

When the pipe line from Naini Tal was handed over to the dépôt by the
Public Works department Colonel Dunn inspected this pipe line with
Captain Morbey, the Superintendent of the dépôt, and they came to the
conclusion that the water-supply could be largely increased without incur-
ring any expenditure on a reservoir for the following reason :—

The original pipe line from Naini Tal was found to follow every curve
of the cart-road until it reached a point above the Baldia Khan Rest House.
From thence it was conducted down the hillside to the Patwa Dangar-
Baldia Khan road and then to a reservoir on the top of a hill overlooking
the dépôt. The whole of this piping was 2" piping with the exception of
the portion between the cart-road and the dépôt gate, this being 1½" owing
to the fall being very great. It was obvious that by bringing the pipe
line straight down the hillside from Manora and leaving out the reservoir
on the top of the hill overlooking the dépôt, that about 1¼ miles of 2"
piping could be removed and laid along the Baldia Khan-Patwa Dangar
road instead of the 1½" piping leading to the dépôt from the above-
mentioned reservoir.

The District Engineer was consulted and as he gave his opinion that
there was no objection to this from an engineering point of view, the change
was carried out in the rains. It has resulted in a 2" supply being brought
to within 500 yards of the dépôt and a 1½" supply for the last portion
instead of 1," thus increasing our water-supply by 50 per cent. This
change was carried out by the dépôt staff at practically no cost to Govern-
ment and as a result we have been able to do without the reservoir costing
Rs. 3,044 which had been sanctioned by Government. The water is now
adequate for all purposes, but there is no surplus whatever for supplying
other places on the road.

The staff of the dépôt worked most satisfactorily during the year.
Captain E.H. Morbey, the Superintendent, managed the dépôt in the most
efficient manner, while the first laboratory assistant M. Yaqub Ali did
excellent work. The latter was deputed to Muktesar for a period of three