( 3 )

of experienced vaccinators to the Kumbh fairs at Brindaban and Hardwar
and the appointment of new men in their places.

Successful primary
vaccinations in differ-
ent districts.
(Statement I.)

8. In 31 out of 48 districts the number of successful primary vaccina-
tions performed in 1926-27 was in excess of that
performed during the preceding year. Of these
Fyzabad headed the list with an increase of 4,989,
followed by Lucknow with 2,847, Ballia with 2,541,
Partabgarh with 2,391 and Allahabad with 1,921. It is notable that in
all these districts except Lucknow, District Medical Officers of Health were
incharge of vaccination instead of Civil Surgeons. Of the 17 districts
showing a falling off, the most conspicuous were Meerut with a decrease of
3,311, Kheri with 3,082, Budaun with 3,035, Muzaffarnagar with 2,785
and Almora with 2,020.

The causes of decrease in these districts were :—

Meerut.(a) Availability of lesser number of children for vaccination
as the work was done for nine months in the preceding year and (b) deputa-
tion of seven vaccinators to the Kumbh fair at Hardwar during February
and March, 1927.

Kheri.(a) Low birth-rate, (b) increase in infantile mortality, (c) pre-
valence of small-pox during 1925-26 which reduced the number of unpro-
tected children over one year of age for vaccination during 1926-27.

Budaun.—Slackness on the part of certain vaccinators who will be
suitably dealt with.

Muzaffanagar.(a) Low birth-rate, (b) deputation of four vacci-
nators to the Hardwar fair and the appointment of only two instead of
four substitutes in their places.

Almora.—(a) Prevalence of a mild type of coryza in the district
during the working season and (b) low birth-rate.

Successful vaccina-
tion and degree of pro-
tection afforded.

( Statement I.)

9. The number of persons successfully vaccinated per 1,000 of the
population in 1926-27 was 28.44 against 28.60 in
1925-26. The districts showing the highest degree of
protection were Garhwal (53.61), Almora (51.62),
Naini Tal (40.41), Mirzapur (39.75) and Hamir-
pur (36.49). The first two districts interchanged their last year's posi-
tion while Naini Tal retained its position as third on the list.

Among those showing the least protection the most conspicuous were
Rae Bareli (18.80), Mainpuri (20.71), Bara Banki (20.98), Kheri (22.65)
and Hardoi (23.12). The first three districts show a slight improvement
over last year.

Vaccination in pro-
portion to births and
according to age.

10. In 1926-27 the percentages of successful vaccination operations
in proportion to births showed a decrease as com-
pared with the preceding year except in the case of
children under one year of age, the ratios for the
two years being 52.28 and 52.08 in the case of children under one year of
age, 22.20 and 24.71 in the case of those between one and six years of
age, and 78.60 and 94.01 for all ages, respectively.

An analysis of the figures of the different ranges shows that during the
year under review 62.68 children under one year of age were successfully
vaccinated per 100 births in the first range as againt 59.75 in the