( 12 )

30,677 grammes of glycerinated lymph of the strength of 1—3 and 1066
grammes of glycerine paste have been kept in cold storage plant to be
issued next year.

The electric installation worked satisfactorily. The motors for driving
the lymph grinding machines in the laboratory failed during the year and
had to be replaced by a new one at a cost of Rs. 481.

The water-supply was satisfactory except at times when mischevious
persons either broke or disconnected the pipes to take water therefrom for
their own use. In two places along the pipe-line (where Public Works
department gangs were blasting) large holes were actually cut in the pipes.
This could have only been done with either a crowbar or chisel. This caused
a great loss of water as it could not be repaired until the pipe was replaced
or the damaged portion cut out and replaced by a new piece.

The dépôt staff worked satisfactorily throughout the year with the
exception of the head clerk who had to go on long leave owing to indiffer-
ent health.

During the year the post of electrician was made pensionable.

I have again to thank Captain Morbey, Superintendent of the dépôt,
for the manner in which he has carried out his work during the year, and
also the head laboratory assistant M. Yaqub Ali, for his excellent work.

District annual vac-
cination returns.

23. District annual vaccination returns were again received late from
some districts and a few had to be returned for
correction. The district superintendents of vacci-
nation concerned will be addressed on the subject.

General remarks.

24. The proposal that the control of vaccination in municipalities
without a medical officer of health situated in the
districts where the district health scheme is in
force should be transferred to the district medical officers of health, made
by me and approved by Government last year, has been given effect to in
ten municipalities during the year under review.

Government also sanctioned my proposal requiring chaukidars to report
primary outbreaks of small-pox to public health authorities immediately on
occurrence, similar to the procedure adopted in the case of cholera.
Chaukidars reporting such outbreaks within 48 hours of their occurrence
are given rewards of annas eight.

In order to ensure greater efficiency all the district superintendents of
vaccination and municipal medical officers of health were asked to issue
instructions to the vaccination staff under them to make three vaccination
marks instead of two, as it gave better immunity and much higher degree
of protection against small-pox.

For the accuracy of vaccination registers instructions were issued that
assistant superintendents of vaccination should check all the registers and
go over 25 per cent. entries at least, that they be made responsible for the
proper maintenance of registers and that the residence of children should
never be entered in register no. 5A without sufficient enquiries. Various
other instructions were issued to the district medical officers of health, etc.
from time to time to improve the efficiency of vaccination and to bring
home its advantages to the rural population.