( 8 )

on fee. Of the 318 calves used only one failed, while 20 died after
operation. The deaths amongst the calves were low because of the
precautionary measures taken to check the spread of the disease and
the better class of the animals supplied by the contractor. Out of the
298 calves which survived after vaccination, 248 calves were sold and
50 were returned to their owner.

The total quantity of crude lymph obtained from the 317 calves
successfully vaccinated was 16,371½ grammes giving an average yield
of 51.45 grammes per calf. In the preceding year 19,024 grammes of
crude lymph were obtained from 452 calves with an average yield of
42.09 grammes. The increase in the yield in the year under report
was therefore 9.36 grammes per calf. The average yield of crude
lymph per cow calf and buffalo calf, separately, was 19.50 grammes
and 62.40 grammes, respectively, against 21.96 grammes and 47.98
grammes, respectively, in the preceding year.

47,587 ½ grammes of glycerinated lymph of the strength of 1—3
were manufactured, including 1,527 grammes of glycerine paste. The
total quantity of lymph manufactured for issue was 119,334.2 grammes
of strength varying from 1—5 to 1—7 and 1,629½ grammes of glyce-
rine paste, against 85,301 grammes of glycerine lymph and 3,528
grammes of glycerine paste manufactured for issue in the preceding

(c)  Issue of lymph. —The total quantity of lymph issued for vacci-
nation during the year was 113,851¾ grammes in metal collapsible
tubes and 136,259 capillary tubes and 15½ grammes of glycerine paste
sufficient to vaccinate 2,982,943 persons, against 106,693 grammes in
metal collapsible tubes and 145,087 capillary tubes and 263 grammes
of glycerine paste issued in the preceding year sufficient to vaccinate
2,693,987 persons.

Out of the above quantity 141¼ grammes in metal collapsible tubes
and 186 glass capillary tubes of the total value of Rs. 87 were issued
free for use in jails, police and charitable institutions. In the
preceding year the value of the lymph so supplied was Rs. 104.

The following supplies were made from the dépôt to the other
vaccine dépôts in India :—

(i) Vaccine dépôt, Bengal—11,264 grammes of lymph to the
value of Rs. 5,004.
(ii) Vaccine Institute, Belgaum —10 grammes paste to the value

of Rs. 20.
(iii) Technical Vaccine Institute, Lahore—20 grammes of lymph
to the value of Rs. 11.
Glycerine paste is mostly issued for vaccinating calves to obtain seed
lymph and hence the issue is less.

(d)  Lymph set aside in the cold storage plant.—16,621.2 grammes
of glycerinated lymph of the strength of 1—3 and 963.5 grammes
of glycerine paste have been set aside for issue in 1928-29 against
28,956 grammes of glycerine lymph of strength varying from 1—3 to
1 — 5 and 111 grammes of glycerine paste set aside last year, which
were issued during the year under report. The reduction is explained
in (b) above.

(e)  Results of vaccination with the lymph issued.—The total num-
ber of vaccinations performed with calf lymph amounted to 1,492,101