Proceedings of the Hon'ble the Agent to the Governor-General and Chief Commissioner, North-West Frontier
                                    Province, No. 1514-G., dated 30th July 1907.


Letter from the Administrative Medical Officer, North-West Frontier Province, No. 3479,
dated 22nd July 1907, submitting the Annual Returns of the Working of the Vacci-
nation Department in the North-West Frontier Province for the year 1906-07.

REMARKS.—The very considerable falling off in the number of primary
vaccinations was doubtless mainly due to the severe epidemic of malarial fever
which prevailed throughout the greater portion of the vaccination season,
but it may in some measure perhaps be attributed to the absence of small-
pox in epidemic form. The statistics for the North-West Frontier Province,
where vaccination has not yet fully established itself in the confidence of the
people, show a very direct correspondence between the prevalence of small-pox
and the resort to vaccination, and it is interesting to note that in the year under
report in the Peshawar District, in which alone there has been a considerable
rise in the ratio of deaths from small-pox, the number of primary operations
shows an increase as against a decrease in all the other settled districts. No
reason has been assigned by the Administrative Medical Officer for the absence
of vaccination operations in the Chitral Sub-Agency as compared with 2,270
primary vaccinations performed during the year 1905-06.

2.    Sir Harold Deane notes with pleasure the good work done by Native
Supervisor Sheikh Fazl Mahmud in overcoming the difficulty of procuring an
adequate supply of animal lymph in the Peshawar District and will be interested
to learn the result of the efforts made in Hangu to win over inoculators to the
cause of vaccination.

3.    The thanks of the Chief Commissioner are due to Lieutenant-Colonel
Crofts and Lieutenant-Colonel Dennys for their administration of the Vacci-
nation Department and to Lieutenant-Colonel Crofts for his report.

ORDER.—Ordered that the above Remarks be communicated to
the Administrative Medical Officer, North-West Frontier Province, for informa-
tion; also that they be forwarded with the Report to the Government of India,
Home Department.

                              By order of the Hon'ble the Agent to the Governer-
                                          General and Chief Commissioner,

                                          T. B. COPELAND,

                                          Assistant Secretary to the Hon'ble the Agent to the

                                                            Governor-General and Chief Commissioner.

                                                                                          North-West Frontier Province.

N.-W. F. P. Govt. Press, Peshawar.—159 8. to C. C.—30-7-07—206.