Average number of operations
by each vaccinator.

4. The average number of operations performed by each vaccinator
in the Province was 2,753.18 against 2,964.29 in the
previous year and 3,253.74 in 1905-1906. The
largest amount of work done by each vaccinator
took place in the Bannu and Dera Ismail Khan Districts, the averages being
3,664.33 and 3,287.00, respectively. The largest decrease in average work
done by each vaccinator, viz. 995.83 was in the Hazara District. This may
partly be accounted for by the explanation furnished above and partly by the
fact that the two newly entertained vaccinators in the Municipalities of
Abbottabad and Haripur only worked for half the year. It must be remem-
bered that vaccination in the Hazara District is attended with a good deal
of difficulty owing to the hilly nature of the country and the long distances
that the vaccinators have to travel, but considering the fact that vaccinators
are able to work in the district all the year round instead of only for six
months, as in the plains, it is hoped that the average work done by each
vaccinator will be larger in future years.

Primary and re-vaccination.

5. Of the total number of operations performed, 76,349 were primary
against 76,604 and 87,771 in the two preceding years
and 14,506 were secondary against 15,289 and 13,095
in the two preceding years. The work of the Province as a whole shows a
large decrease during the last two years, but there has been an improve-
ment in its quality in the settled districts of the Province.

Percentage of success.

6. The percentage of successful cases in which the results were
known was primary 99.22, and secondary 88.18.
These results are much better than in the two preced-
ing years and are, I think, attributable to the excellent quality of the glyceri-
nated chloroform lymph supplied by the Punjab Vaccine DepĂ´t in much
larger quantities than in previous years.

Ratio of persons successfully
accinated per 1,000 of population.

7. The ratio of persons successfully vaccinated per thousand of the
population was 41.98, as compared with 39.67 and
44.11, respectively, in 1905-06 and 1906-07. With
the exception of the Peshawar District and Mardan
Sub-division, the proportion of those vaccinated is above the provincial
ratio. The attention of the Civil Surgeons concerned will be drawn to this
matter with a view of more strenuous efforts being made to increase the work
during the ensuing vaccination season.

Percentage of unknown cases
to total cases.

8. It is satisfactory to note that the percentage of unknown cases to the
total number of cases in regard to primary vaccina-
tions was much less than in the preceding two years,
and this shows that greater care has been taken to
ascertain the results of the operations performed.

Average annual number of
deaths from small-pox during
previous five years.

9. The average annual number of deaths from small-pox during the pre-
vious five years in the settled districts of the Pro-
vince was 1,389 or a ratio of 0.72, per thousand, the
Peshawar and Hazara Districts recording the largest
average number of deaths from the disease. In my Annual Sanitary Report
for 1907, the high death-rate from small-pox recorded at the town of Buffa
has been commented on. I would suggest that special arrangements should be
made to have vaccination work carried on in this town by the general staff of
vaccinators attached to the district, until such time as the Municipality can
afford to pay for the services of a whole time vaccinator.

Vaccination in Political Agencies.
Appendix to Statement No. I.

10. Vaccination work in the Agencies of Kurram and the Tochi and
in the Shirani Country during the triennial period on
the whole has been satisfactory though there has
been a slight falling off in the number of persons
vaccinated in the Kurram Agency and in the Shirani Country as compared
with the figures of the previous year. No vaccination work was done in the