6                              MANUAL OF VACCINATION FOR THE

(iv) He will call upon the village headman and the village chaukidár
for any necessary help in collecting the children for vaccination.

(v) At the time of vaccination he will enter in three forms or
registers, the names and parents' names, age, and sex, &c., of all persons

      (a)   in the village register (Vaccination Form No. 5), which he will
        hand over to the chaukidár when his work in the village is
      (b)  in the diary (Vaccination Form No. 1) ;
      (c)  in the village register (Vaccination Form No. 5a) bound in
        book form. These last two registers the vaccinator will
        keep always with him. The village register (No. 5) left
        with the chaukidár is intended for the information of
        District Officers on tour who may inspect the vaccination
        work of the village.

(vi) After expiry of seven days, the vaccinator will revisit the village
and inspect the arms of those who have been vaccinated, and enter the
results, successful or unsuccessful, in the three registers before mentioned.
If in any of those vaccinated the operation has been unsuccessful, he
will again vaccinate that person and again enter the name in three

(vii) On the 7th, 14th, 21st, and last day of each month the vaccinator
will compile a weekly return (Vaccination Form No. 6), which he will
forward on the days named to his Assistant Superintendent.

(viii) On the 8th of each month, the vaccinator will prepare two
monthly returns showing the total of vaccinations performed during the pre-
vious month with the results (Vaccination Forms Nos. 2 and 8). These he
will forward to the Assistant Superintendent.

(ix) The vaccinator will, in the discharge of his duties, use every
possible means of persuasion to induce the villagers to have their children
vaccinated, and will explain to the villagers the nature and object of

(x) Each vaccinator shall operate in his own circle only and shall
not leave it during the season (without permission obtained from the District
Superintendent through the Assistant Superintendent) for any purpose
whatever, but he shall aid other vaccinators whenever called upon to do so
by his superior officer.

(xi) Each vaccinator is required early in his service, during the off
season, to spend two months at the headquarters dispensary of his district
to obtain instruction in the means of recognising various infectious diseases
and insanitary work.

(xii) Vaccinators are required to examine and test the entries in the
village chaukidár's birth and death registers, and report any mistakes or
omissions they find therein to the District Magistrate through the Assistant
Superintendent and District Superintendent (Sanitary Form No 42).

(xiii) Vaccinators are required to pay the greatest attention to the
cleanliness of their instruments and to use the greatest care in selecting
healthy infants from whom to take the lymph for carrying on their work.

(xiv) A good vaccinator must perform not less than 2,000 vaccina-
tions in each season.

(xv) Vaccinators when on duty must wear the coat, pagri, and belt,
which are directed to be worn.

(xvi) Vaccinators are not allowed to communicate direct with the
District Superintendent or Civil authorities, but must send their petitions
through their Assistant Superintendent to the District Superintendent of