UNITED PROVINCES OF AGRA AND OUDH.                            23

Abstract of the notes for the guidance of the Assistant
Superintendents of Vaccination.

(i) During the vaccination season your duties are to move continually
about your district examining the work of the vaccinators and satisfying
yourself that the work is progressing.

(ii) You are held responsible for the veracity and correctness of the
vaccinators' diaries and returns.

(iii) In the event of the work of any vaccinator not being satis-
factory, as for instance if the lymph be of bad quality—you should remain
with that vaccinator till such time as the work proceeds properly and
arrange for a supply of lymph if necessary.

(iv) Inspect the instruments of all vaccinators from time to time and
satisfy yourself that they are clean and in good order.

(v) You should satisfy yourself that vaccinators are able to recog-
nise those communicable diseases which they are likely to meet with in the
course of their work.

(vi) Your chief duty is to explain to the people the nature and object
of vaccination and to persuade them to accept it.

(vii) See that the vaccinators are courteous in manner and kind in
conduct towards the people, and that they are guilty' of no irregularity.

(viii) Keep a diary of the work you inspect.

(ix) Submit your weekly and monthly returns on due dates to your
District Superintendent, and forward after countersignature the returns
submitted by the vaccinators.

(x) Do not communicate direct with the Civil authorities.

(xi) Examine the birth and death registers kept by the chaukidárs.

(xii) Forward to District Superintendent, with your remarks, all peti-
tions &c., submitted by vaccinators.

(xiii) Wear your uniform when on duty.

(xiv) Do not include the inspections made with the District Superin-
tendent or Deputy Sanitary Commissioner in your returns.

(xv) Compare with chaukidárs' birth registers if the vaccinator has
done sufficient amount of work according to births.

(xvi) Report on the nature of vesicle if many arms are ulcerated or

(xvii) Leave addresses with the District Superintendent when you are
on tour in the interior of the district.

(xviii) See that the sale of quinine is encouraged by the vaccinators
and sale proceeds are remitted.

                                    Sanitary Commissioner, U. P. of Agra and Oudh.