PLAGUE AND DISPENSARIES IN RAJPUTANA.                                9

74.  Marwar.—Four imported cases of plague were reported in Marwar
during 1912-13 of which two proved fatal.

75.  A plague map showing the districts where outbreaks occurred, the
date of the first and last cases and death rate per 10,000 of population
according to the Census of 1911 is attached.

                                Snake poisoning.

76.   Calmette's Anti-Venine is kept in stock for the treatment of snake-
bite and Lauder Branton's Lancets fitted with Permanganate of Potash have
been largely indented for.

                                STATEMENT F.

Class and sex of patients.

77. From this statement it will be seen that 2,145 Europeans and
Eurasians, 1,014,833 Hindus, 393,852 Muhammadans and 90,130 others were
treated in the Dispensaries of Ajmer-
Merwara and of Native States of Rajpu-
tana as compared with 2,072; 957,541; 353,758; and 90,781 respectively
in the previous year.

                                STATEMENT G.

78.  During the year under report a total number of 72,940 operations
were performed on 72,763 persons in Ajmer-Merwara and in Native States
against 70,185 operations done on 69,888 persons in 1911. Of these the
cures amounted to 71,691, the numbers relieved 518, discharged otherwise
190 and died 102 against 69,208, 220, 137 and 80 in 1911, while 262 remained
under treatment on 31 st December 1912, as compared with 243 in the previous

79.   Of the operations performed 2,331 were extractions of the lens for
cataract of which 2,209 or 94.77 per cent. proved successful, 42 Lithotomies,
146 Litholapaxies and 177 Amputations against 1,793 extraction of the lens
for cataract, 50 Lithotomies, 143 Litholapaxies and 213 Amputations in 1911.

80.   357 abdominal operations were performed of which 259 were para-
centesis of abdomen with 7 deaths, 10 abdominal sections with 2 deaths and 13
abscess of liver with 3 deaths.

81.  There were in all 1,637 surgical operations performed in the Ajmer
Victoria Hospital with 3 deaths as compared with 1,491 operations with 6
deaths in 1911 this shows a noticeable increase in the number of operations.

82.  2,104 surgical operations were done at the Mayo Hospital, Jaipur,
with 13 deaths or 1.53 per cent. of all major operations.

83.  The operation work was distributed as follows :—

84.  It is worthy of note that the operative work during 1912 shows
a satisfactory increase, notwithstanding the presence of plague in epidemic
form during the greater part of the year.

85.  Major Fisher, I.M.S., Residency Surgeon, Jaipur, reports that con-
siderable success was obtained in the treatment of tuberculous glands and
joints, etc., by inoculation of tuberculin. Sir Almroth Wright's bacillary
emulsion was the form of tuberculin always used, a few cases of pulmonary
tuberculosis were also treated with marked benefit.

86.  Carbon dioxide snow was employed with good results in cases of
lupus and oriental sores.

87.  It was noticed that after a few inoculations patients attend Hospital
eagerly and regularly.

Major J. Fisher, I.M.S . . . . . .


Assistant Surgeon Daljang Singh Khanka . . .


Assistant Surgeon Panna Lal Dass . . . . .


Assistant Surgeon Miss L. Sykes, M.D. . . . .


Other members of the staff . . . . . .