16                                            DISPENSARIES IN RAJPUTANA.

Service Lancers at Jodhpur they are under the medical charge of well quali-
fied Military Sub-Assistant Surgeons. Each regiment of the latter is under
the medical charge of a State enlisted Assistant Surgeon. The Mewar
Imperial Service Squadron at Udaipur has been placed under the medical
charge of the Civil Sub-Assistant Surgeon attached to the Jail Hospital there
for the time it is stationed in the lines near the Central Jail.

158.  From a Military Administrative point of view it would be of advan-
tage if all regiments were supplied with Military Assistant Surgeons or
Sub-Assistant Surgeons with a working knowledge of Military Service

159.  The Sanad of Rai Bhadur was presented to Senior Grade Assistant
Surgeon Daljang Singh Khanka by His Excellency Lord Hardinge on the
occasion of his inspection of the Jaipur Transport Corps at Jaipur which is
under his medical charge, on the 21st November 1912. '


160.  Ajmer.—There were 4 lunatics in the Central Jail, Ajmer on 1st
January 1912 and 15 were admitted during the year, a total of 19 lunatics.
Of these 3 were transferred to Lahore Lunatic Asylum, 10 made over to
their friends and relations, 2 discharged as cured and 4 remained at the close
of the year.

161.  The lunatics were in most cases found wandering in the city by the
Police and sent for observation, detention and treatment in the Jail.

162.  Native States.—217 lunatics were treated in 1912 ; of whom 33 were
cured, 8 were transferred to Lahore Lunatic Asylum and 7 to that at Agra,
49 were handed over to their friends, 17 died and 103 remained under

163.  The Residency Surgeon, Mewar, writes that insanes are kept at
Mohtaj Khana in Udaipur city under Police supervision. They are in no
way under him.

AJMER, the 28th May 1913.

R. CHARLES MACWATT, Lieut.-Col., I.M.S.,
Chief Medical Officer in Rajputana.