8                               DISPENSARIES AND PLAGUE IN RAJPUTANA.

                                        STATEMENT G.

69.  The number of surgical operations performed during the year in
Ajmer-Merwara and in Native States was 72,193 against 72,940, or a decrease
of 747. The number of patients operated on was 71,792 as compared with
72,763 in 1912. The number cured amounted to 70,490, the number relieved
687, discharged otherwise 290, and died 114; against 71,691, 518, 190, and 102
in 1912 ; while 311 remained under treatment at the end of the year.

70.  Of the operations performed 2,315 were extractions of the lens for
Cataract of which 2,086 or 90.11 per cent. proved successful, 68 Lithotomies,
168 Litholapaxies and 201 Amputations against 2,331 extraction of the lens
for Cataract, 42 Lithotomies, 146 Litholapaxies and 177 Amputations in 1912.

71.  471 abdominal operations were performed, of which 342 were Para-
centesis of Abdomen, with 15 deaths, and 13 Abscess of the Liver with 3

72.  1,809 operations were done at the Victoria Hospital, Ajmer, with 4
deaths as compared with 1,637 with 3 deaths in 1912; of these 78 were Extrac-
tion of the lens for Cataract, 31 Iredectomies, 7 Lithotomies, 13 Litholapaxies,
12 Radical cure of Hernia, 4 Abdominal Sections and Laparotomies and 16

73.  There were 2,171 operations performed in the Mayo Hospital, Jaipur,
with 23 deaths.

74.  The operation work was distributed as follows :—

Lieutenant-Colonel J. Fisher, D.S.O., I.M.S. . . . . . .


Assistant Surgeon Daljang Singh Khanka . . . . . . .


Assistant Surgeon Panna Lal Das . . . . . .


Miss L. Sykes, M.D. . . . . . .


Other members of the staff . . . . . . .


The following special treatments were reported.

75. Lieutenant-Colonel J. Fisher, D.S.O., I.M.S., Residency Surgeon,
Jaipur, reports that "the treatment of tubercular diseases by means of Tuber-
culin met with greater appreciation and success. The following table shows
the different varieties of this disease treated :—

Tubercular disease of bones and joints . . . .


„ „ „ glands . . . . .


„ „ „ lungs . . . . . .


„ „ „ abscesses . . . . . .


„ „ „ ulcers . . . . .




Patients seem to appreciate the benefits derived by inoculation and have
little prejudice against it."

76. Major C. M. Goodbody, I.M.S., Director, Medical Department,
Bikaner State :—

" Cataract.—163 Cataracts were extracted of which 128 were by Smith's
method—loss of Vitrens occurred in 34 cases, one drop in 28, slight in 5 and
large in one—all these cases had good vision. Of all cataract operations good
vision was recorded in all but two. There was no case of suppuration."

" Other cases.—Two exploratory laparotomies were done, both for malig-
nant tumour which proved to be inoperable."

"Over 100 cases of Corneal opacities with pannus have been treated with
injections of Cyanide of Mercury (1 in 4,000) with very good results on the

" Neosalvarsan has been used frequently in the treatment of Syphilis
with no bad effects and some most striking results."