AND ON VACCINATION FOR THE YEAR 1925-26.                             7

Dungarpur is infested with snakes mostly of venomous variety. Cases of
snake bite are frequently reported at the close of the summer and during the rainy
season. Anti-venous injections are given in such cases at the Bijey Hospital,
intra-venously. During the year under report 16 such cases were reported and
treated at that Hospital with no death.

                                          STATEMENT F.

69. This statement shows the classes and sexes of both In- and Out-door
patients treated in the Dispensaries of Ajmer-Merwara and Indian States in Raj-
putana. It is merely introduced for Statistical purposes and calls for no comments.

                                          Statement G.

70.   The number of Surgical Operations performed during the year in Ajmer-
Merwara and in Indian States was 1,01,666 against 97,647 in 1924, showing an
increase of 4,019. The number of patients operated on was 1.01,517 against 97,360,
the number cured 1,00,625 against 96,567, the number relieved 535, discharged
otherwise 189 and died 101 as compared with 545,179 and 110 respectively in 1924
while 296 remained under treatment at the close of the year.

71.   Of the Operations performed 1,635 were Extractions of the Lens for
Cataract, of which 1,529 were reported successful, 24 Lithotomies. 186 Litholopaxies
and 305 Amputations against 1,464, 29,240 and 292 respectively in 1924.

72.   587 Operations were performed on the Abdomen of which 19 proved
fatal as compared with 466 with 22 deaths in 1924. Of these 326 were Para-
centesis of Abdomen with 9 deaths, 19 Abscess of liver with one death 35 Lapora-
tomies with 7 deaths, 95 Radical cure of Hernia with no death against 246 Para-
centesis of Abdomen with 7 deaths, 10 Abscess of liver with one death 32 Lapora-
tomies with 8 deaths and 139 Radical cure of Hernia with 3 deaths in the previous

73.   The total number of Surgical Operations of all kinds performed in the
Ajmer-Merwara Dispensaries during the year 1925 was 5,638 with 16 deaths
against 5,069 with 7 deaths in 1924 showing an increase of 569 Operations.

74.   Of the total number of Operations performed in the Ajmer-Merwara
Dispensaries 1,966 were done in the Ajmer Victoria Hospital with 11 deaths against
1,625 with 5 deaths in 1924 showing an increase of 341 Operations.

75.  Of these Operations 57 were Extractions of Lens for Cataracts, 16 Amputa-
tions, 8 Radical cure of Hernia and 111 other Abdominal Operations.

76.  4,041 Operation of all kinds were performed at the Mayo Hospital. Jaipur,
with 32 deaths against 4,214 Operations with 15 deaths in the previous year. Of
these 580 were Extraction of the Lens for Cataract, 53 Litholapaxies and 31

77.  5,936 Operations of all kinds were performed in the Bhagwan Das Hospital,
Bikaner, as compared with 9,618 in 1924. Of these 132 were Extraction of Lens
for Cataract, 12 Litholapaxies and 35 Amputations.

78.   1,491 Operations of all kinds were performed in the Victoria Hospital
Bharatpur. Of these 189 were Extraction of the Lens for Cataract, 3 Litholapaxies
and 12 Amputations.

79.  3,105 Operations of all kinds were performed in the Alexandra Hospital
at Alwar against 3,272 in 1924. Of these 72 were Extraction of the Lens for
Cataract, 7 Lithotomies and 10 Amputations.

80.   1,900 Operations of all kinds were performed in the City Hospital. Kotah,
of which 48 were Extraction of the Lens for Cataract, 1 Lithotomy and 14 Amputa-

81.   3,071 Operations of all kinds were performed in the Lansdowne Hospital,
Udaipur. Of these 36 were Extraction of the Lens for Cataract, 7 Litholapaxies
and 9 Amputations.

82.  2,789 Operations of all kinds were performed in the Hewson's Hospital,
Jodhpur, of which 151 were Extraction of the Lens for Cataract, 1 Lithotomy. 54
Litholapaxies and 30 Amputations.

83.  3,417 Operations of all kinds were performed in the Vijaya Hospital. Dungar-
pur. Of these 152 were Extraction of the Lens for Cataract, 31 Litholapaxies, 22
