75.  508 Operations were performed on the Abdomen of which 29 proved fatal
as compared with 587 with 19 deaths in 1925. Of these 317 were Paracentises of
Abdomen with 16 deaths, 13 Abscess of liver with no death, 29 Laparatomies with
8 deaths, 87 Radical cure of Hernia with one death against 326 Paracentises of
Abdomen with 9 deaths, 19 Abscess of liver with one death, 35 Laparatomies with
7 deaths and 95 Radical Cure of Hernia with no death in the previous year.

76.  The total number of Surgical operations of all kinds performed in the
Ajmer-Merwara Dispensaries during the year 1926 was 5,324 with 19 deaths against
5,638 with 17 deaths in 1925 shewing a decrease of 314 Operations.

77.  Of the total number of Operations performed in the Ajmer-Merwara Dis-
pensaries 1,729 were done in the Ajmer Victoria Hospital with 15 deaths against
1,966 with 11 deaths in 1925 shewing a decrease of 237 operations.

78.  Of these Operations 77 were Extractions of lens for Cataract, 17 Amputa-
tions, 12 Radical Cure of Hernia and 109 other Abdominal Operations.

79.  4,054 Operations of all kinds were performed at the Mayo Hospital, Jaipur,
with 27 deaths against 4,041 Operations with 32 deaths in the previous year.
Of these 629 were Extractions of the lens for Cataract, 70 Litholapaxies and 43

80.  6,346 Operations of all kinds were performed in the Bhagwan Das Hospital,
Bikaner, as compared with 5,936 in 1925. Of these 152 were Extractions of the
lens for Cataract, 38 Litholapaxies and 18 Amputations.

81.  1,303 Operations of all kinds were performed in the Victoria Hospital,
Bharatpur. Of these 166 were Extractions of the lens for Cataract and 7 Amputa-

82.  3,355 Operations of all kinds were performed in the Alexandra Hospital
at Alwar against 3,105 in 1925. Of these 102 were Extraction of the lens for
Cataract, 11 Lithotomies and 11 Amputations.

83.  2,308 Operations of all kinds were performed in the city Hospital, Kotah
of which 49 were Extractions of the lens for Cataract, 4 Lithotomies and 12 Amputa-

84.  2,610 Operations of all kinds were performed in the Lansdowne Hospital,
Udaipur. Of these 41 were Extractions of the lens for Cataract, 1 Lithotomy, 6
Litholapaxies and 11 Amputations.

85.  2,828 Operations of all kinds were performed in the Hewson Hospital,
Jodhpur, of which 111 were Extractions of the lens for Cataract, 10 Lithotomy, 43
Litholapaxies and 44 Amputations.

86.  3,461 Operations of all kinds were performed in the Vijaya Hospital,
Dungarpur. Of these 135 were Extractions of the lens for Cataract, 19 Litho-
lapaxies, 8 Radical Cure for Hernia, 2 Ovariotomy and 1 Amputation as against
152 Cataracts, 31 Litholapaxies, 22 Radical Cure for Hernia, 1 Ovariotomy and 7
Amputations in the past year.

87.  The eye work done in Kishangarh Hospital consisted of 31 Extractions of
the lens for Cataract and 92 other Operations of the eye.

                            Statements H. and J.

88.  Statement H shews the income and expenditure of the Government Dis-
pensaries and Hospitals and only expenditure on those in Indian States.

89.  The total income of Hospitals and Dispensaries in Ajmer-Merwara was
Rs. 37,806 as compared with Rs. 43,080 in the preceding year shewing a decrease
of Rs. 5,274 from Imperial Revenues on account of pay of Establishment and a
special grant of Rs. 384 by the Beawar Municipality towards Beawar Dispensary
in the year 1925.

90.  The total expenditure of Ajmer-Merwara Dispensaries was Rs. 35,663
against Rs. 41,492 in the preceding year shewing a decrease of Rs. 5,829 under
heads pay of Sub-Assistant Surgeons as in the year 1925 arrear of pay was drawn
according to the revised scale of pay : besides this there was a decrease against cost