There were four Assistant Surgeons on the list at the close of the year. Of
these two were employed in the Ajmer-Merwara District, one at Jodhpur and the
fourth at Dungarpur. The two last named were in the lent service of the Marwar
and Dungarpur Darbars respectively.

Military Sub-Assistant Surgeons.

115. There was only one Military Sub-
Assistant Surgeon at Bharatpur during
the year.

Civil Sub-Assistant Surgeons.

116. Out of the 91 Government Sub-Assistant Surgeons who were on the roll
on the 1st January 1926 six retired on pension and one died during the year under
report. Thus at the close of the year there
were 84 Government Sub-Assistant Surgeons
on the roll. Of these 9 were employed in Ajmer-Merwara, 17 in service with
Residencies and 58 on Foreign Service in Indian States.

Lady Doctors.

117. The number of Lady Doctors
employed in the Indian States in Rajputana
was 4 as in the previous year.

They were distributed as follows :—

Jodhpur . . . . . . . .


Kotah . . . . . . .


Dholpur . . . . .


Bikaner . . . . . .


118.  Mrs. Lucy Tarleton held charge of the Jaswant Hospital for women at
Jodhpur during the year.

119.  Miss Jennie Newton David, L.R.C.P. and S. (Edin.), F.R.C.P. and S.
(Glasgow) held charge of the Victoria Hospital, Kotah, during the year.

120.  Lady Doctor G. Rutherford, M.B., Ch.B., D.T.M., a worker under the
Baptist Missionery Society remained in charge of the Lady Hardinge Memorial
Hospital, Dholpur, throughout the year.

121.  Doctor D. K. Fairbairn, M.B., C.M. (Madras), M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond-
on), L.M. (Rotinda and Dublin) has been in charge of the Zenana Hospital, Bikaner,
throughout the year.

Female Sub-Assistant Surgeons.

122. The female Sub-Assistant Sur-
geons were in charge of the Female Hospitals
in Rajputana at the following places :—


Female Hospitals and Dai Class.

123.  Ajmer.—One Lady Doctor has remained attached to the Mission Hospital
for women at Ajmer. She and her subordinates have done much good work
in the Hospital and in Zenana work.

571 in- and 6,984 out-door patients were treated against 606 in- and 6,816
out-door patients in the preceding year.

124.  Beawar.—Miss Q. Houlton Female Sub-Assistant Surgeon, has been in-
charge of the women's ward of the Hospital at Beawar throughout the year. 108
in- and 8,843 out-door patients were treated against 68 in- and 6,890 out-door
patients in last year.

The number of operations performed was 443 against 620 in the previous year.

                                                 Indian States.

125. Jodhpur.—The Jaswant Hospital for women has been in charge of Mrs.
Lucy Tarleton and Mrs. L. M. Chowdhry during the year. There were 460 in- and
13,359 new out-door patients treated against 384 in and 12,033 new out-
door patients in the previous year.

The number of operations performed was 580 against 533 in 1925. Of these
103 were Major Operations.