AND ON VACCINATION FOR THE YEAR 1926-27.                               13

126.   Kotah.—The Victoria Hospital at Kotah has been in charge of Doctor
Jennie Newton David throughout the year. There were 200 in- and 9,803 out-door
patients treated against 199 in- and 8,256 out-door patients in the preceding year.

The total number of operations performed during the year was 273 against
295 in the previous year.

127.  Jaipur.—The Female section of the Mayo Hospital, Jaipur, has been in
charge of Female Sub-Assistant Surgeon Prem Pyari Barnie throughout the year.
1,387 in- and 24,827 out-door patients were treated against 1,304 in- and 20,731
out-door patients in the previous year.

128.  Kishengarh.—There was no Lady Doctor at the General Hospital, Kishen-
garh, during the year. Only a trained Dai was in attendance as in last year. 56
in- and 6,070 out-door patients were treated against 37 in- and 5,652 out-door
patients in the previous year.

129.   Udaipur.—The Walter Zenana Hospital was in charge of Miss B. D. Dube,
L.M.A.M.A., Sub-Assistant Surgeon throughout the year.

There were 52 in- and 396 out-door patients treated against 92 in- and 2,664
out-door patients in the previous year

130.  Bikaner.—The Zenana Hospital was in charge of Dr. Miss Daisy K.
Fairbairn, M.B., C.M. (Madras), M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (London), L.M. (Rotinda and
Dublin) throughout the year.

506 in- and 5,981 out-door patients were treated against 404 in- and 5,010 out-
door patients in the previous year.

The number of operations performed was 135 major and 95 minor against
162 major and 172 minor in last year.

131.  Alwar.—The Lady Dufferin Hospital remained in charge of Female
Sub-Assistant Surgeon Sugna Bai throughout the year.

223 in- and 28,454 out-door patients were treated against 133 in- and 25,327
out-door patients in the previous year.

108 major and 1,783 minor operations were performed against 76 major and
1,164 minor operations in 1925.

323 Parda Ladies were treated at their own houses.

46 Abstitric operations were performed during the year.

132.   Tonk.—The Walter Female Hospital at Tonk was in charge of Dr. K.
Reed throughout the year.

There were 199 in- and 11,597 out-door patients treated against 137 in- and
7,934 out-door patients in the previous year.

133.   Bharatpur.—The Women's Hospital remained in charge of Miss Poona
Bai, Female Sub-Assistant Surgeon, throughout the year.

219 in- and 8,280 out-door patients were treated against 278 in and 8,459
out-door patients in the previous year.

The scheme for improving the condition of childbirth in Bharatpur which
proved very successful continued throughout the year.

134.   Dholpur.—The Lady Hardinge Memorial Hospital remained in charge
of Lady Doctor G. Rutherford, M.B., Ch.B., D.T.M., Honorary worker under the
Baptist Missionery Society throughout the year.

409 in- and 5,179 out-door patients were treated against 379 in- and 7,198
out-door patients in the preceding year.

135.  Besides the above institutions there is also a Tuberculosis Sanatorium
for women at Tilaunia Railway of the B., B. & C. I. Railway, which is supported by
an American Mission.

165 in- and 785 out-door patients were treated during the year.

                                   DAI TRAINING CLASS.


136. Matron Champa Bai, a certificated Indian Nurse, held charge of the
Maternity Home from the beginning of the year till the end of May 1926, when she
retired on an Invalid gratuity.