I regret I am unable to report so well of the Rewa Kanta. The decrease this year is owing
to the idleness of the vaccinators and the indifference of the Native Chiefs. The vaccinators'
pay in the Rewa Kanta is so small that they are perfectly indifferent about their situations, and
frequently leave them without giving any notice whatever. I am endeavouring to rectify this,
and have procured an increase in the pay of three vaccinators out of the five employed in the
Rewa Kanta. Two of the vaccinators resigned their situations and two have been dismissed
with the sanction of the Political Agent during the last year.

                                PRESIDENCY DIVISION.

    Local Superintendent—Sub-Assistant Surgeon ANUNTA CHUNDROBA.

                            Establishment—Three Vaccinators.



Compared with the
preceding year.

















During the year ending the 31st December last, 7,495 children were vaccinated, being an
increase of 479 over the total vaccinated in 1863. Of these 4,738 were Hindoos, 1,169
Mahomedans, 852 Christians, 566 Parsees, and 170 of all other castes; 4,197 were males,
3,298 females; 3,253 under, and 4,243 above, one year of age. Of the total operated on,
5,696 proved successful, 769 failed, and in 1,030 the result could not be ascertained. The
per-centage of successful on the total vaccinated is 75.9. Many children could not be found
out after the operation, and they are consequently returned as doubtful. A large portion
of these may reasonably be expected to have been successful.

During the year under report nothing particular occurred requiring special notice beyond
a little deterioration of the lymph during the months of June, July, and August. On account
of our. inability to procure good vaccine lymph from any out-station, the number of children
vaccinated during these and subsequent months was comparatively few—so much so as to
have attracted the attention of the Principal Inspector General of the Medical Department.

In a letter dated the 31st August last, I fully explained causes of the deficiency, and also
explained certain arrangements I had made with Drs. Nicholson and Atkins, in medi-
cal charge of the two Native regiments stationed in the island. These gentlemen, as
stated in the letter referred to, kindly consented to send a few children in rotation from
amongst the unprotected ones belonging to the regiments under their charge, to be vaccinated;
and when successful to send them back again, on the eighth day, to supply us with fresh
lymph, thus enabling me to have an independent supply of good lymph on which I could