11.Vaccination paid for by Local Funds in Sind, calls for considera-
tion, so successful has it proved; and I consider the Superintendent
General's suggestions, as set forth in his para. 23, as worthy of consideration,
when the Local Fund Act is brought into operation.

12.The state of the lymph in use throughout the Presidency is favoura-
bly reported on. Supplies have been received in Bombay and Aden from
England. At the latter place, Vaccination has progressed satisfactorily, and
numbers of manumitted slaves have enabled the Medical Superintendent
there to keep up a full supply.

13.The change recommended by Dr. Pinkerton in his para. 36,
namely, that on the 1st of next January, the Sattara Zillah should be trans-
ferred to the Central Circle (Mahratta-speaking,) from the Southern
(Canarese-speaking,) and Kulladgee Zillah to the Southern Circle from the
Central, to which it at present belongs, should in my opinion be carried

14.I would beg to state in conclusion that this, the first report of the
Superintendent General, gives evidence that his appointment will be fol-
lowed by much good in the Department, and I cordially endorse his
commendatory remarks on the several Medical Officers mentioned in his
para. 35. Since the Report was penned, I regret to state that the death of
one of these, described as a most promising officer, (Assistant Surgeon
Ffolliott) has been reported.

                                                I have the honour to be,


                                                                  Your most obedient Servant,

                                                                             A. WRIGHT,

                                                            Inspector General, Indian Medical Department.