( xiii )

that 1 was not so clear about making them controlling and directing Officers
of Dispensaries, because that would make them responsible Officers; and it is
impossible to say how much work would be required to bring the Dispen-
saries into good working order, and to keep them so. As inspecting Officers
only, Superintendents might write in a book in each Dispensary when on tour
their remarks on—1st. The general character of the Medical Subordinates or
others in charge. 2nd. The method of carrying on work at Dispensaries, and
any suggestions for improving it. 3rd. The state of the building—(a) site,
good or bad, with reasons for opinion; (b) capacity, whether sufficient for
the requirements of the place, &c.; (c) cleanliness ; and (d) ventilation,
where there are wards in the Dispensary. 4th. State of medicine, instruments,
and records. 5th. Any other subjects worth noting. The remarks so
written to be copied and forwarded by the Medical Subordinates or others
in charge of Dispensaries to the Deputy Inspector General of Hospitals of
the Division, and to the Collector of the District.

Vaccination Registers to be kept
in all Villages.

16. I think the best method of registering vaccinations in villages is
that adopted in Scotland. It is done by simply
writing in the birth register, under the child's
name, the words " successfully vaccinated,"
"insusceptible," or " postponed." I would beg to suggest that village regis-
trars of births be directed to enter under each child's name the words
"successfully vaccinated," or "unsucessfully vaccinated," as the case may be.
I think for the present anything more elaborate would very likely be less
correct than this simple method of registering vaccinations in villages.


17. I am very happy to say that there was very little interruption in
the superintendence during the period under

Dr. Gordon held charge in the Central Circle.

Mr. Raby ditto Southern ditto.

Dr. Colah ditto Northern ditto.

Dr. Butler ditto Kattiawar ditto.

Dr. Welsh ditto Rewa Kanta ditto.

Mr. Anunta Chandroba ditto Presidency ditto.

The only changes which occurred were,—Dr. Williams succeeded the late
Dr. Ffolliott in Sind in May 1869, and Dr. Blanc took up his appointment of
Superintendent of the Western Circle from Mr. Cody in December 1869.