( xxvi )

actual number of persons vaccinated. Thus A B vaccinates fifty persons in
May, and returns them thus—twenty successful, twenty unsuccessful or
doubtful, and ten unknown. In June he vaccinates one hundred persons,
twenty of whom were the twenty unsuccessful in May. He thus returns one
hundred and fifty persons vaccinated, when, in point of fact, there were only
one hundred and thirty persons operated on. Such a method of reckoning
is clearly wrong, and it may be avoided in this way:—A B vaccinates in May
fifty persons as above; he should return them thus—twenty successful and
ten unknown, total thirty; and a remark may be added that twenty will be
vaccinated again and the result included in next month. Every unsuccessful
case should be vaccinated at least twice before the result is reported.


28. In civil life there were 245,508 males and 212,354 females vacci-
nated, or 53.6 of the former to 46.4 of the latter.
In 1868 the disparity was much greater. It
is probable that the excess of males is still considerably more than in the
general population. Superintendents are now testing the columns of sexes,
and I have no doubt we will get them more correct year after year.


29. Of the different castes the following shows the percentage of each :—
Christians, 0.5; Hindoos, 74.4; Mussulmans,
19.1 ; Parsees, 0.2 ; and other castes, 5.5.
There are some slight differences in these percentages from those in last
report, but they are hardly worth noticing in particular.


30. There were 191,221 under, and 266,641 above, one year old
vaccinated in 1869-70, or 41.8 per cent. of the
former to 58.2 of the latter. This is nearly
the same as in the two former reports. Until the number of Vaccinators be
increased considerably we will not be able to obtain a much greater propor-
tion under one year old. The proportion of infantile vaccination is highest
in the Northern Circle, in which there is a Vaccinator for each talooka; no
other Circle has a Vaccinator for each talooka, and in no other Circle is the
number of infantile vaccination so high. There were 64,488 under one year
to 35,393 above one year old in the Northern Circle.

Causes of increase and decrease
in Circles.

31. Compared with 1868 there has been an increase of vaccinations in
all establishments as a whole, but there has
been a decrease in some of the establishments of
Circles. The following figures show where the
increase and decrease occurred:—