Native Chiefs' Establish-

19. The work of some of these men is not carried on in a satisfactory manner,
those of Jutt and Atpadee especially. The arrangements
made during my visit to Jutt, will, I think, lead to an
improvement in the work in that State. With regard to Atpadee, I have recommended
the dismissal of the vaccinator, as well as several new arrangements for the improve-
ment of vaccination there. I trust that all the recommendations will be carried out.
The decrease in the returns of these vaccinators is entirely due to the vaccinator
of the Atpadee Chief being absent without leave for several months.


20. An account of the tour made by Dr. Gordon will be found in his report,
hereto attached. I assumed charge (on return from
England) on the 1st December. Thereafter I proceeded
to the Sholapoor District, and inspected during that month the Barsee dispensary, the
work of the vaccinator employed by the Barsee Municipality, and of General Nos. 144
and 244 in the Marole Talooka. With the Barsee vaccinator's work I was not pleased
and I had occasion to renew his lymph. That of General No. 144 (old work) was
unsatisfactory, but that of General No. 244 was all that could be desired, whether we
regard it in point of quantity, quality or the correctness of his records. Having minutely
inspected work in the Marole talooka, I travelled to Sholapoor and there inspected the
Dispensary, and the work of the Station and Municipality's vaccinators. All these
were satisfactory. I also inspected the recent and fresh work of General No. 144, in the
Sholapoor talooka, and found it satisfactory; the lymph good, vesicles well developed,
and the cicatrices foveated. He was warned in writing regarding the carelessness with
which he had performed his work in the Marole talooka. I next proceeded to Akul-
kote. Like most of the Native States' vaccinators, his work was not very satisfactory.
In some villages it was fairly so. Major Baumgartner, the Political Superintendent,
takes considerable interest in vaccination, as well as other matters, and I hope, with
his assistance, to improve matters in the Akulkote State. From Akulkote I returned,
viâ Sholapoor, to the Marole talooka, and at Mohul tested the lymph received from
England, the satisfactory result of which is recorded in para. 11 of this report.
Punderpoor and its Dispensary and vaccinator were next visited. The amount of
vaccine work done in this town has not been great, but in point of quality it was
satisfactory. The Municipal Commissioners take no interest in vaccination whatever,
and the Patels do not render any assistance. One of the latter actually refused
to give me assistance. Small-pox was then prevailing in the town, but the Sub-
Assistant Surgeon in charge of the Dispensary and Health Officer of the place could
not get any information from the authorities (Native) regarding it, and he reported to
me that recommendations made by him were generally disregarded by the Municipal
Commissioners. From the arrangments made during my visit I trust some good will
result, but owing to want of interest taken in the work of this Department by the
Native Officials, I am not sanguine. From Punderpoor I travelled, viâ Sangola
(where I inspected the work of the Municipal vaccinator and found it correct and good)
to Jutt, where I met Dr. Pinkerton, the Superintendent General, who examined my