sent of the Rádhanpur and Pálanpur Darbárs. During my late travels through the Superin-
tendency I availed myself of an opportunity of calling upon Colonel Phayre, the Political
Superintendent, and begged him to give his support. I was promised that the subject
would receive his best attention, but soon after my interview he left the Superintendency to
take charge of the Barodá Residency. As regards Mahí Kánthá, by date the 27th July 1872,
Major P. H. LeGeyt, the Acting Political Agent, informed me that at present he was unable
" to obtain from the Chiefs of Mahí Kánthá the increased amount of subscription" required;
adding that, after making the personal acquaintance of the Chiefs, he hoped to be " able to
effect more towards the desired end." On account of this hopeful reply I was desirous of
meeting Major LeGeyt whilst on my tour through the Mahí Kánthá, but I did not succeed
in getting an opportunity of so doing. To have met with the approval of the Political Offi-
cers is, I consider, a gain on the side of success, and I hope that the scheme may ultimately
receive the consent of the several Darbárs and Thákur Chiefs.


17. In the beginning of the year I was encamped in Broach. The two months and
a half (April, May and half of June) of that fair season were
spent in the inspection of Broach and Ankleshwar tálukás
of Broach Zilhá and of Ulpád, Mándví, Bárdolí, Chikhlí and Jálalpur tálukás of Súrat
Zilhá. The dispensary vaccinations of Ankleshwar, Eláo and Mándví were inspected. I
was pleased to find Mr. Lakshuman Anant of Eláo doing good work ; of the amount of
pains taken by the other two dispensary officers on vaccination I may simply state that it
was nil. I was out on district work again in November, and nearly the whole of the pre-
sent fair season has been devoted to the inspection of the vaccinators' work of the Pálanpur
Superintendency and Mahí Kánthá Agency; and though everything was not found quite satis-
factory, yet the state of vaccination was better than what I had observed on my previous
inspection of the States. During the whole tour I examined in all, including dispensaries
the work of 28 vaccinators, 13,640 children were inspected, my travelling extended over
2,054 miles, and 414 villages have been visited.

                                                            Camp Umreth, Khedá District,
23rd April 1873.