No. 2085 OF 1874.


                              THE SURGEON GENERAL,

                                          INDIAN MEDICAL DEPARTMENT,


                              THE SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT.

                                                                  Bombay, 9th July 1874.

I have the honour to forward the Annual Report on Vaccination
for the year 1873-74, in which there are many points of interest.

2.     The total number of persons operated on was 652,223,
which is 63,866 over the preceding year ; the most marked increase
being in the itinerant establishment, which accounts for 61,684 of
the total increase. The dispensaries show an increase of 1,358, and
the army of 824.

3.     This large increase in the numbers vaccinated and re-vacci-
nated shows probably not only greater exertion on the part of the
Superintendents and their subordinates, but also increased apprecia-
tion on the part of the people, evidenced by greater willingness
on their part to submit their children to the operation ; but the
largest factor is undoubtedly the increase in the number of vaccina-
tors and the constant supervision over them exercised by the Assis-
tant Superintendents. This has resulted from the reorganiza-
tion of 1871.                                                     

4.     Where progress has not been so great, the Superintendent
General attributes the want to the vaccinators being too few in
number for the population and area.

5.     It is gratifying to know that among so many vaccinators, in.
only one instance was a register found incorrect ; and even this may
be attributed to carelessness on the part of the vaccinator, rather
than to an attempt to falsify the record, as it extended to only 6
names altogether. I may here add that the conduct of the vaccinators
in general has been satisfactory.

6.     The percentage actually verified by Superintendents comes
so near to the numbers given by the vaccinators that, in my opinion,
the latter may be accepted as correct, and these show a good amount
of successful work done.
