( xxviii )

Progress of vaccination in Cen-
tral circle.

54. The Central circle now consists of the collectorates of Puná, Ah-
madnagar, Sholápur, Sátárá and Ratnágiri and
of the native states of Akalkot, Bhor, Jat,
Atpadi and Phaltan. The population of the
circle is 4,828,850 and the area is 27,656 square miles. There are 1 superin-
tendent, Surgeon Major Turnbull, M.D., 5 assistant superintendents and 65
vaccinators. There were 121,541 persons operated on, the particulars of which
will be given for each district of the circle.

Puna collectorate.

55. The population of Púna collectorate is 878,785 and the area 5,095
square miles. There were 1 assistant superin-
tendent and 12 vaccinators, viz., 8 local fund
and 4 municipal, and vaccination was carried
on at 6 dispensaries. The total number of persons primarily vaccinated was,
by the rural vaccinators 15,079 and 1,897 at dispensaries—total 16,976, which
gives 19.3 per mille of population. The chief reason of the total not being
more is that the tálukás of Háweli, Khed, Juner and Bhimthadi are each too
large and too populous for one vaccinator. I hope we will be able to get a
second vaccinator for each of these tálukás. The revaccinated number only
19. The average number of persons operated on by each vaccinator was
1,257, which is considerably below the average for the whole presidency and
still more below the average for the Central circle. This is partly attributable
to the vaccinator of Sirúr táluká having only vaccinated 778, The amount
of work in this zilhá cannot be considered quite satisfactory, nor can it be-
come so until four more rural vaccinators be appointed. The superintendent
has recommended this increase of vaccinators and after going through Púna
collectorate I came to the conclusion that they are necessary.

Ahmadnagar collectorate.

56. The Ahmadnagar collectorate contains 769,955 souls and has an
area of 6,647 square miles. There are
12 vaccinators, viz., 11 local fund and 1
municipal. There were 20,153 persons
primarily vaccinated of whom 145 were vaccinated at two dispensaries.
This gives 26.1 per mille of population. The percentage of success is very
good, 96.8. There were only 24 revaccinations. I went through this zilhá.
with the superintendent and consider the work very satisfactory.

Sholapur collectorate.

57. The Sholápur collectorate has 662,986 of a population and is
3,925 square miles in size. There are
9 vaccinators, viz., 6 local fund and 3
municipal; and vaccination was practised
at 3 dispensaries. There were 14,737 persons primarily vaccinated or
22.2 per mille of population. The precentage of success is 93.6. There
were only 29 revaccinations. The progress is satisfactory but the tálukás
of Madhe and Karmálá are too large, both as regards area and population,
for one vaccinator each—there ought to be two in each of these tálukás.

Satara collectorate.

58. The population of Sátárá is 1,116,050 and the area 5,378 square
miles. There were 12 local fund and 4 muni-
cipal vaccinators, but now there are only 2
of the latter, viz., one for Sátárá town and
another for Malsiras. One was abolished in November last and the other
two on 1st April last. Vaccination was also practised at 6 dispensaries. The