( xxxi )

directed efforts of Mr. Robertson and his assistants will doubtless help the
vaccinator to win his way to the affections even of lingayats.

Kánadá collectorate.

64. The population of Kánadá is only 398,406 souls and the area is
4,235 square miles. The district is partly
below and partly above the Ghats. It is
mostly covered with forest trees and is much
broken by creeks, ravines and hills. There were 10 vaccinators employed
during the year, and there were some vaccinations done at 9 dispensaries.
The total number of primarily vaccinated persons was 14,855 or 37.2 per
mille of population. The percentage of success was 92.0. There were
934 revaccinations. Each vaccinator on an average operated on 1,390 per-
sons. The progress here is very satisfactory and is due in a great measure
to the very active interest taken in vaccination by Mr. Macdonald, the
collector. This zilha has repeatedly suffered from small-pox within the last
few years. When Kánadá was transferred to this presidency in 1862, the late
Dr. Stovell made enquiries into the state of vaccination in it, the results
of which are printed in his report for 1872 at page IV. Vaccination was then
in a very unsatisfactory state if not "radically bad."

Kaládgí collectorate.

65. In the Kaládgi collectorate the population is 816,037 and the area
5,695 square miles. There were 10 vaccina-
tors, 8 local fund and 2 municipal; in the
previous year there were 3 municipal vaccina-
tors for 10 months, but the Káládgi one was abolished in January 1873.
There were 14,054 persons primarily vaccinated or 17.2 per mille of popula-
tion. The percentage of success was 93.5. There were only 134 re-vac-
cinations. There should be, I think, at least 3 more vaccinators in this
zilhá; and until there be, I fear, the progress of vacccination cannot be as
satisfactory as I wish it.

Kolhápur, Southern Maráthá
Country, and Sáwantwádi.

66. The population of the native states in the Southern circle is about
1 ,621,227 and the area about 9,020. There are
25 vaccinators and 2 dispensaries and they pri-
marily vaccinated 33,115 persons or 20.4 per
mille of population. The success was 95.6 in
Sáwantwádi, 87.4 in Southern Maráthá Country, and 96.5 in Kolhápur. There
were 1,701 revaccinations. Each vaccinator averaged 1,339. There is room
for extension here, which will doubtless follow the recent increase of

Progress of vaccination in the
Western circle.

67. The Western circle contains the collectorates of Tháná, Kolábá,
Násik, and Khándesh and the native states
of Janjirá, Jawar, and Penth. The popula-
tion is 3,070,259 and the area 24,519. There
are 6 assistant superintendents sanctioned
but only 5 have been employed: there are 49 vaccinators and Surgeon Cody
is the superintendent. There were 71,290 persons operated on.

Tháná collectorate.

68. The collectorate of Tháná contains 847,424 of a population and is
4,052 square miles in size. It has 13 vac-
cinators, 11 local fund and 2 municipal: vac-
cination is also practised at 9 dispensaries.
There were 14,195 persons primarily vaccinated or 16.7 per mille of popu-