( xxxiii )

or 26.8 per mille of population. The success was 94.8. The revaccinations
numbered 2,167. The average number of persons operated on by each
vaccinator was 1,784.

Kheda collectorate.

74. The population of Kheda collectorate is 782,733 and the area 1,561
square miles. With the exception of the is-
land of Bombay this is the most densely popu-
lated district in Western India. There are 9 vaccinators—8 local fund and
1 municipal, and vaccination was practised to a small extent at 5 dispensaries.
There were 18,652 persons primarily vaccinated or 23.8 per mille of population .
The success was 93.1. There were 781 revaccinations and the average work
of each vaccinator was 2,031. I should like to see the primary vaccinations
reach over 25 per mille which they might do easily in this zilha; however
the progress must be considered satisfactory when compared with the general
progress: doubtless small-pox protected a good many in the epidemic of
the preceding year.

Panch Máhála.

75. The population of the Panch Máháls is 240,743 and the area is
1,731 square miles. There are 5 local fund
vaccinators and vaccination is practised at
Godhra dispensary. There were 8,336 persons
primarily vaccinated or 34.6 per mille of population. The success was 96.6.
There were 138 revaccinations. The average number of persons operated
on by each vaccinator was 1,599. Progress here is very satisfactory.

Broach collectorate.

76. The Broach collectorate has a population of 350,322 and an area
of 1,358 square miles. There are 5 vaccinators
viz., 4 local fund and 1 municipal and vaccina-
tion, is practised a little at 4 dispensaries.
There were 9,707 persons primarily vaccinated or 27.7 per mille of population
which is very satisfactory. The success was 97.0. There were only 85 re-
vaccinations. The average work of each vaccinator was 1,826.

Surat collectorate.

77. The Surat collectorate has a population of 607,087 and an area of
1,588 square miles. There are 9 vaccinators,
that is one local fund vaccinator for each of
the 8 talukas and one municipal vaccinator
for the city of Surat itself. The local fund vaccinator of the Chorási táluká
also vaccinates the 16 Sachin native state villages, which have a population
of 17,103 so the nine vaccinators have a population of 624,190 among them,
which gives an average of 69,354 to each. Mr. Hope, the Collector, wanted
to reduce the number of vaccinators, but as I consider such a step very un-
advisable, I declined to go up to Government with his proposal. There are
7 dispensaries at which vaccination was practised to the extent of 987 per-
sons. There were exclusive of the Sachin villages 17,415 persons primarily
vaccinated or 28.6 per mille of population. The success is 94.6. There
were 930 revaccinations. The vaccinator's average is 1,928. Here the pro-
gress is very satisfactory and I think it would be a sad pity to injure it by a
reduction in the number of vaccinators.

Native states in Eastern Guja-
ráth circle.

78. The native states are Mahi Kánthá, Rewa Kánthá, Cambay,
Dharmpur, Bánsdá and Sachin. Their popu-
lation is 1,131,605 and their area is about
19,536 square miles. There are 18 vaccina-
tors and a few vaccinations are done at 2 dis-

5 vac