( xxxvi )

lation. The success is 97.9 per cent. There are 4,005 revaccinations. The
average number of persons vaccinated by each vaccinator is 2,485.

Haidarábád collectorate.

90. The Haidarábád collectorate contains 721,947 of a population and
9,052 square miles. There are 13 vaccinators—
12 local fund and 1 municipal and vaccination
is practised at 4 dispensaries. There were
25,120 persons primarily vaccinated or 34.7 per mille of population. The
success is 97.6. There are 1,141 revaccinations. The average number of
persons vaccinated by each vaccinator is 1,950.

Upper Sindh Frontier district.

91. The Upper Sindh Frontier district has a population of 89,985 and
an area of 1,913 square miles. There are 3
vaccinators and they primarily vaccinated
5,810 or 64.5 per mille of population. The
success is 99.2. There are 28 revaccinations. Besides, the 3 vaccinators
operated on 389 Kachis from beyond our territory which bring each vacci-
nator's average up to 2,075.

Thar Párkar district.

92. The Thar Párkar has a population of 180,761 and an area of
12,729 square miles. There are 6 vaccinators
and 4 dispensaries at which vaccination is car-
ried on. The number of persons primarily vac-
cinated was 13,814 or 76.4 per mille of population. The success is 97.4.
There were 991 revaccinations. Besides the above there were 954 persons
from Jodhpur operated on. The average of each vaccinator is 2,526.

H. H. Mir Ali Murad's territory
of Khairpur.

93. The Khairpur state contains 110,000 people and an area of 6,382
square miles. There are 2 vaccinators who
primarily vaccinated 4,328 persons or 39.3
per mille of population. The success is
95.2. There were only 3 revaccinations.
Each vaccinator averaged 2,165 persons.


94. There were 109 persons vaccinated
and 1 revaccinated at the telegraph station
of Goádar in Belochistán.

Vaccination in Baroda territory.

95. Vaccination is carried on in H. H. the Gaikawád's territory which
has a population of 2,000,225. The Resident,
Colonel Phayre, is unable to give me the area
or at least any thing nearer than it is 260
kos long and 40 broad. I cannot say how much it is, but it has been roughly
estimated in the returns at 20,000 square miles. There are 1 assistant
superintendent and 23 vaccinators. The primary vaccinations number
27,299 or 13.6 per mille of population. The success is 93.5. There were
482 revaccinations. Each vaccinator on an average operated on 1,207
persons. The progress is not satisfactory, but there is some prospect of
an improvement.


96. H. H. the Ráo of Kutch's territory has a population of 486,900
and an area of 6,500 square miles. There are
1 assistant superintendent and 11 vaccinators ;
6 of whom are maintained by His Highness
and 5 by the Bhayáds. There were 2,468 persons vaccinated or only 5 per