( xxxviii )

cination is likely to bring more credit to officers of the vaccination de-
partment than general sanitation can be expected to give them, however
successful they may be as sanitists. If Government should see fit to
strengthen the sanitary department by the aid of the officers of this
department, the present strength of superintendents is not too great; but
on the other hand if Government wish to keep the two departments apart
and distinct, then, some of the circle superintendents could be spared
for other duties. With the assistant superintendents working so well as
they have done, I think, we might extend their functions and place the
whole presidency under the superintendence of 5 medical officers; that
is to say, we should have only 5 circles, viz :—

1.Presidency.—Island of Bombay.

2.Dekhan.—All, or nearly all, the districts above the gháts.

3.Konkan.—All the districts below the gháts.

4.Gujaráth.—All Gujaráth including the present Eastern and Wes-
tern Gujaráth circles.

5.Sindh.—The province of Sindh.

The superintendent general might hold charge of one of these cir-
cles and there would then be only 4 instead of 7 superintendents. Some-
thing of this kind must be done if we wish to reduce our administration
charges and keep the cost of vaccination as low, or nearly as low, as in other
provinces in India. I think it is quite feasible to work the department
with 4 superintendents without impairing the efficiency of it. On the other
hand, as I said before, if Government wish to strengthen the sanitary de-
partment by the aid of the officers in the vaccination department, the
strength is not any too great and our organization is suitable.

                                        J. PINKERTON, M.D., Surgeon Major,

                                                 Superintendent General of Vaccination,

                                                                              Bombay Presidency.

Bombay, 6th June 1874.