pensaries and report the result for the information of the superintendent. The
Surgeon General Indian Medical Department has since issued instructions on this
point. From Sangamner I proceeded to Narayangaon in the Juner táluká, which
has always been the worst vaccinated district in this circle notwithstanding the
waste of much valuable time in almost vain endeavours to overcome the prejudices
of the people.

In the Juner táluká I visited 16 villages and personally explained the objects
and benefits of vaccination to the village officers and people. I also visited and
inspected the town and dispensary of Juner. Vaccination had been well kept
up by the native doctor in charge, Mr. Babaji Jadhao. From Juner I went to
the Khed táluká inspecting the work of the local fund and municipal vaccinators.
The former was well done but the latter was only fairly so. However he has
many difficulties to contend with, specially in the towns of Khed and Penth.
From Khed I went to Madhe and Karmala tálukás where [ found the work
moderately satisfactory. Thence I went to Bársi, examined the dispensary, the
work of the municipal vaccinator and had an interview with the members of the
municipal committee to consider the best means of promoting vaccination
among certain classes of the people who have hitherto not accepted its benefits.
The lingáyat wanis, of whom there are 8,000 in Barsi, are very difficult to manage.
They object to vaccination but more especially to allowing lymph to be taken
from the vaccinated child's arm. One member of the municipal committee him-
self a lingayat wani informed me that this was the principal objection his fellow-
casteman had to the operation ; that he thought they had no strong or deep-rooted
objection to it otherwise and that were this difficulty removed he thought many
would submit their children for vaccination. I suggested the introduction of
animal vaccination as a means of meeting the difficulty and proposed to do so pro-
vided the municipality would defray the extra expense. I explained very fully
the process and its advantages and after dispelling their imaginary fears as to
pain inflicted on the calf, they agreed unanimously to bring the matter be-
fore the next general meeting of the municipal committee, and they thought
no difficulty would be experienced in providing the funds. From Bársi
I went to Sholápur and inspected the work of the municipal vaccinator
and the charitable dispensary. Both were satisfactory ; but here, as at Barsi,
the lingayat wanis muster in large number—there being no less than 15,000
in the town of Sholápur. I had a long conversation with the mamledar regarding
vaccination, but more especially the vaccination of certain classes. He informed
me that he did not think there would be any difficulty in introducing animal
vaccination. From Sholapur I proceeded to Karjat táluká, in Ahmadnagar
collectorate, where work was being satisfactorily carried on. Thence I went to
Bárámati inspecting the work of the Indápur táluká vaccinator en route as also
the dispensary of Baramati. The former was good, but at Bárámati I found the
officer in charge of the dispensary had never vaccinated a child in his life and
was unable to do so. Leaving Baramati I entered the Sátára collectorate and
next inspected the work of the vaccinator employed in the Malsiras taluka, the
Phaltan state, the Wai táluká, and the native State of Bhor. Except Phaltan
these were all satisfactory. In the town of Taradgaon, one of the largest in the
State of Phaltan, I collected the people together and personally explained to them
and the village officers what was required of them. The vaccinator has since
visited the town with better results than before my visit. In the Bhor State,
especially in the towns of Bhor and Shirwal, the arrangements are simply nil,
and this notwithstanding that the former is the seat of Government and that
the latter is the head quarters of a mamledar. In the town of Bhor little or no
work has ever been done, for the simple reason that no one countenances the
vaccinator. When I visited it I received no assistance whatever in my official
capacity. At Shirwal I found the mamledar was absent from the taluka on leave
and that the awal karkun was in charge. This man told me he had nothing
to do with vaccination, vaccine registers or any matter connected therewith,