but then he prevaricated so much I could not rely on a single word he said.
I was obliged to bring these and other matters to the notice of the political agent.
In my report for 1872-73 as Acting Superintendent General of Vaccination I
made a few remarks on the necessity for employing an additional vaccinator in
the Bhor state. Since I re-assumed charge of this circle I have submitted through
the political agent a detailed statement of what I propose should be done. I hope
the scheme will be carried out.

From Bhor I went via Jejuri to Saswad and inspected the work of the Pu-
randhar taluka vaccinator and the Jejuri and Saswad dispensary medical officers
en route. The vaccinator I found working steadily and successfully. As also that
at Saswad some vaccination work had been done. But at Jejuri no work what-
ever had been done and the hospital assistant was unable to do any. From
Saswad I went to Poona, for the purpose of undergoing an examination in the
Marathi language. Having passed successfully I proceeded on the 3rd March to
visit the Mawal taluka and thence on the 8th I proceeded on three months' privi-
lege leave.

During four months I inspected the whole of the Ahmadnagar and Poona
collectorates, a considerable portion of Sholapur and the Malsiras and Wai talu-
kas of Satara with the native States of Bhor and Phaltan. I travelled 1,091
miles, visited 202 villages, and inspected 4,863 vaccinated children, the work of
about 25 vaccinators and 8 dispensary medical officers.