side of the village officials; this is not unnatural, but the collectors and their assis-
tants have consequently, often to be troubled with these small complaints : and I
am happy to state that in such matters, material aid, was received from many dis-
trict officers, civil and political, during the year under report: and what is of far
more importance, collectors and their assistants, take a direct interest in vaccina-
tion, by making enquiries regarding the progress of it in their districts.


13. The first part of the year I travelled through Khedá zilhá, where I
instituted strict inquiries regarding the causes and
extent of the small-pox epidemic. The vaccinators
were dependent upon hap-hazard information; there were no proper means of
knowing the places where the disease was prevailing. Through each táluká mám-
ledár strict inquiries were made, and steps were taken to send vaccinators to the
infected localities. By the commencement of June the disease was nearly stam-
ped-out in every quarter. A special report of this epidemic together with a return
of the small-pox cases was prepared and submitted to the acting Superintendent
General, on the 7th June, as already mentioned. On the 13th June I arrived at
my monsoon quarters. I was out again during the first week of November; which,
month was spent in travelling through Chorási, Ulpád and Ankleshwar tálukás,
and in inspecting the several vaccinators' work. About the close of November, I
left Ankleshwar for Anand, and from thence viâ Thásrá arrived at Bálásinur on 2nd
December. It is unnecessary to state in detail the inspection work of each month.
From December up to the close of the year I travelled through Rewá Kámthá and
Panch Maháls. I specially undertook this journey with the view of acquainting
myself with the men and of gaining some knowledge of the district that I may be
better able to manage the vaccinators. The result of each vaccinator's inspection
is contained in the monthly employment returns and it will be enough to state here,
in general terms, that the state of vaccination in Panch Maháls and Rcwá Kánthá
was as good as in other parts of this division with two exceptions, viz., in Chotá
Udaipur and Rájpíplá, where only certain portions of these districts were vaccinat-
ed, and the rest not attended to. Chotá Udaipur is an extensive state, and it is
impossible for one man to manage its vaccination, besides the Darbár takes no
interest in the matter. The whole of Rájpíplá has two men, and these happen to
be brothers, who manage among themselves to vaccinate a tract of country all along
the river Narmadá about 15 miles in breadth; the most southern part, the south-
eastern and south-western Ságbárá and the hilly parts are not visited. Whilst
travelling through. Rewá Kánthá I had an opportunity of calling upon the
political agent at Pánwad who promised to do his best to induce the Darbárs to
promote vaccination.

Conduct of assistant super-
intendents and vaccinators.

14. All the assistant superintendents and the vaccinators have worked with
zeal and have conducted themselves satisfactorily
with two exceptions, viz., the municipal vaccinator
of Nariád and the neighbouring vaccinator of Mátar
táluká. The former has been ordered to be dismissed for his bad conduct the,
latter's case is under investigation.*

* Has been dismissed the service since Dr. Colá's report was written.