Honorary Surgeon A. Pollard.
Population 8,177.

During the year 1873-74 there have been 363 vaccine operations in Dá-
puli, and in the villages in the neighbourhood, all of which have been pri-
mary operations. Of this number 24 persons were operated on twice each,
so there were 339 persons operated on. 185 were males and 154 females.
As regards caste or religion, 4 were christians, 279 hiudús and 56 musalmans.
119 were under one year old and 220 above that age. 331 were suecesful,
29 unsuccessful or doubtful and 3 unknown. Compared with the year 1872-73 there
has been an increase of 29 persons operated on, with more success, the percentage
of successfull operations in 1872-73 being 81.0 against 91.9 in 1873-74. The
three unknown cases had left the village between the time of operating on
them and the 8th day following and who could not consequently be seen.

2.     I do not think there is such difficulty experienced lately as there
used to be, in obtaining subjects for vaccination, especially in the villages
and hamlets about the country, but there are still some difficulties in Dápuli
where brahmins, vakils, karkuns. kotes &c. reside and they object to have their
children vaccinated, and make all sorts of excuses : but occasionally there are
some who come and request that their children may be vaccinated ;
however this is certainly the exception, and it need not be said that their
request is at once complied with ; I trust ere long I shall be able to say
that this is the rule instead of the exception.

3.     Vaccination has been carried on slowly but steadily throughout the
year, some few children being operated on weekly, that a supply of lymph
may be always available should any demand arise for it. My dispensary
servant having been taught to vaccinate, is sent in different directions within
a moderate area, and according as his services can be spared to the different
villages and hamelts around Dápuli, and if at a convenient distance I gene-
rally examine his work, if too far and out of my range the assistant su-
perintendent or the superintendent of vaccination makes it a point of doing
so at their visits ; were I not to do this. I wouid not be able to vaccinate many
as the village of .Dápuli with the camp contain but. a small population ;
altogether from this source only 79 children have been obtained during the
past year.

4.     The several villages visited by myself and dispensary servant for the
purpose of vaccination during the past year, are given below together with
the population as taken in last census, but how far the numbers can be
depended on I am unable to say. I cannot say whether or not any of those
villages have been visited by any local fund or other vaccinator during the
past year, but at the time of my visiting them all the children that could be
got were operated on.

Dápuli camp and village ........................





Asuth ................................................


Jalgaum .............................................






Total ...
