down in its place : the clothes if of poor material are burnt, if of greater value they
are disinfected with chlorine and then boiled : and at the same time vaccination is
being carried on more vigorously than before as there are many people here still
unprotected : and re vaccination is also performed as much as possible. I fear that
lately the dispensary medical officer has relapsed somewhat in his efforts to try
and induce all the unprotected to be operated on, otherwise I cannot account for
the great number of people who are still unprotected and who therefore are
liable to bad unmodified small-pox. Vaccination is now however being carried on
vigorously on three days of every week and before each of these days persons are
sent round to look up all the unprotected, both children and adults, but it is very
difficult to induce the latter to submit to the operation.


8. I believe all that is possible is now being done to arrest the disease : the
two most important things are isolation and vacci-
nation ; but the former I believe to be impossible, we

must therefore rely upon the latter and endeavour to have it carried out more

vigorously and carefully than ever.

                         KOLHÁPUR CIVIL HOSPITAL.

Honorary Surgeon G. Sinclair.
Population 38,979.

In forwarding the accompanying vaccination returns exhibiting the work
done at the civil hospital and dispensary, Kolhápur infantry and jail during the
past official year, I would beg leave to make the following observations on the
work done by the hospital assistants attached to each of these charges, because I
think that a separate notice of each will give much encouragement and promote
greater zeal in the cause of vaccination.

2.     360 vaccine operations were performed by 3rd Class Hospital Assistant
Vithal Dhanájí at the civil hospital and dispensary during the past year ; 309 of
these were successful, giving a percentage of 96.2, while the proportion of children
under one year amounted to 35.8 per cent. of the whole number. Compared with
the number vaccinated during the previous year there is a decrease of 147, which
is attributable to two causes ; firstly, the station vaccinator worked in the town
of Kolhápur and so reduced the number of children who would otherwise have been
brought to the dispensary ; and secondly, but principally to the lull caused by the
absence of small-pox throughout the past year. Great apathy and indifference is
exhibited by natives generally in bringing their children for vaccination until
their fears are fairly excited by the presence of epidemic small-pox among them.

3.    Vaccination is regularly performed every Monday morning throughout
the year and continues to be regarded as an important element in dispensary
practice. The quality of the lymph has been good and the resulting vesicles and
cicatrices were very satisfactory.

4.     57 children were vaccinated during the past year at the Kolhápur in-
fantry hospital by 1st Class Hospital Assistant Cáshirám Chawán. They were
all under one year. 54 of these were successful, giving a ratio of 94.7 per cent.
Revaccination has been carefully and regularly carried out during the past four
years. Every man, woman and child belonging to the Corps has been brought
under the protective influence of this prophylactic.

5.     On the principle that revaccination is not only a measure of renewed
security against small-pox, but as a test of the completeness of the protection
afforded by previous vaccination or inoculation, every prisoner admitted into jail