generally try to evade or postpone vaccinating their children. This circumstance
renders it necessary to carry on vaccination from house to house. I received very
little assistance from the mámledár.


7. Dispensary vaccination extended over the town of Alibág, containing
5,473 inhabitants according to the last census, and the
neighbouring villages of Chendrá, Warsoli and Chál-

                                    PEN DISPENSARY.

Mr. Haríráo Powár, 2nd Class Hospital Assistant.
Population 6,514.

The total number of vaccinations amounts to 121 or 60 more than in the pre-
vious year. All were primary vaccinations. 111 were hindús. 66 under one year
and 55 above it. One was a grown up person. 1 had 9 operations in excess of
persons. 107 were successful, 21 unsuccessful and the result of the remaining two
was unknown. The percentage of successful vaccination was 83.5.

The people of this town are generally against vaccination. I took every op-
portunity of informing them of the very many benefits that arise from vaccination ;
but I am really very sorry to say that all my attempts to remove their prejudices
have been fruitless. Though they admit this innovation to be good, yet they are
deterred from adopting it, on the ground that they thereby incur the displeasure of
the goddess Shitalá. Of late, through the assistance given by Ráo Sáheb Pándu-
rang Sadáshiva Sháháne, mámledár of this táluká, I am very happy to say that, I
was able to vaccinate a good many children.


Surgeon-Major David Simpson, M.D., Superintendent.
Population......(small and variable).

Vaccination has been performed as shown in the accompanying statement by
1st Class Hospital Assistant Mr. Gangáji Ramji ; at the present time all the chil-
dren are protected. Under 1 year 3 vaccinations are reported, over 1 year 7 chli-
dren have been vaccinated ; the age of the oldest was 5 years, the others were be-
tween 1 and 2 years of age. The parents of the children submit to have their chil-
dren vaccinated but very few of them show any anxiety to have the operation per-
formed, and in some instances their sanction could only be obtained by making
known amongst them that unprotected children could not be permitted to remain
on the hill. During the past year the existence of small-pox in Matheran or in its
vicinity has not been known.

                                 KURLA' DISPENSARY.

Assistant Surgeon Cuvarjí Dorábjí, G.G.M.C.
Population 3,000.

142 children were vaccinated, being 44 more than in the previous
year. The operations were mostly performed by the assistant surgeon in
charge and a few by the native medical pupil attached to the dispensary. The
population in which these operations were performed was about 3,000. The
people of this district, chiefly the christians, seem to appreciate the bene-
fit of this prophylactic and willingly submit their childern to it, but are