
ren who might be primarily vaccinated. According to this calculation, nine-
tenths of the number were vaccinated last year, which is a result highly credit-
able to the Department. The average number of operations of each Vacci-
nators was 1,652, being 146 more than that of the previous year. It was
highest in Sind, and lowest in the Presidency Circle.

10.     The least satisfactory general results are in the Southern Circle—
particularly Belgaum and Dharwar, and in the Presidency Circle. With regard
to Belgaum, the Superintendent General remarks that there are too few Vaccina-
tors, while the Collector, Mr. Grey, states that no more can be paid from Muni-
cipal or Local Funds. Government trust that the District will not long remain
conspicuous for its shortcomings in this respect. The obstinacy of the Lingayats
in some of the Talukas in Dharwar is the chief cause of the want of progress
there, and some of the Vaccinators are reported to be wanting in energy. It
is hoped that these causes will soon disappear. At the same time progress
has been made in the Southern Circle since last year, and it is hoped that
under Dr. Raby still further improvement will be shown next year. With
regard to the falling off in Bombay, the Superintendent and Superintendent
General urge that they can do nothing more without a compulsory Vaccination
Act, and that in a large city where small-pox is both endemic and epidemic,
such an Act is absolutely necessary. It is a measure to be approached with
much caution, and seeing the satisfactory progress made elsewhere, His Ex-
cellency in Council is not yet convinced of the necessity of legislation of that

11.     Government are glad to learn that progress is being made in Na-
tive States. Baroda is an exception, and in Kutch also Vaccination is in a
very backward condition. It appears that there is little inspection or testing
in these States, and without this there is little hope of improvement.

12.     It is satisfactory also to observe that an improvement has taken
place in the vaccination at dispensaries. In the Southern Circle, however,
and to a certain extent in the Eastern Gujarat Circle, it appears to have fallen
off. Government have already directed that all students at the Grant Medical
College should learn vaccination, and there is no doubt that in time Assistant
Surgeons and Hospital Assistants will be more efficient in this respect.

13.     The lymph is reported to have been generally good, but to have de-
generated in Eastern Gujarat from the rain and heat. The animal lymph
failed in the Presidency Circle in July and August. It is also stated that the
lymph sent out from England was not so successful as usual. The attention
of the Secretary of State will be called to the matter, and he will be request-
ed to state where it was obtained. Government are glad to learn that ani-
mal vaccination worked fairly in Bombay, and that although the percentage
of success was not so large as in the case of human lymph, still it promises
to be a valuable adjunct.

14. The deaths from small-pox are given as follows : —

Presidency generally.

City of Bombay.









The figures, however, are said to be not reliable, and the Surgeon Gene-
ral states they are not useful for statistical purposes. It would evidently
be difficult to trace the connection between vaccination and the deaths from
small-pox in any one or two years ; but the figures cannot be so very wide
of the truth as not to show that the number of deaths from small-pox during
last year was very much smaller than that of the previous year.