" 3. As this reply gave so little encouragement to any proposal for the
" maintenance of an establishment, and as I could not well spare a local
"fund vaccinator to go into this country to carry on work, I have taken no
" further steps in the matter. I shall, however, take the first opportunity of
" introducing, at a personal interview with both the collectors of Khandesh
" and Nasik, the subject again with a view of ascertaining what likelihood
" there may be of the states contributing towards the expense of a vacci-
" nator."

Method proposed of in-
troducing vaccination into
the Dangs.

100. As far as I know these Dangs are the only places where vac-
cination is not practised in this presidency. The
population is 39,111, and the area 3,840 square miles,
so one vaccinator would at least be required. The
people are, I believe, very poor; so perhaps Govern-
ment might give a grant of Rs. 276 a year for the maintenance of a vaccina-
tor, his peon and contingent expenditure. Unless Government do so, I am
afraid vaccination can never be introduced into the Dangs. If Government
will give the grant, a native of the Dangs could be trained to vaccinate.


101. Jawar has a population of 37,406 and an area of 534. It main-
tains 1 vaccinator, who operated on 1,903 persons and
successfully vaccinated 47.3 per mille of the popula-
tion. This is a very high rate, and it must be over the birth-rate consider-
ably. There are no small-pox returns.


102. For many years the Sultan of Janjira held out against vaccination,
but since the appointment of a vaccinator by His
Highness in 1871, vaccination has made wonderful
progress, which I believe is a good deal due to Mr. Larcom's influence. The
area is 151 miles, and the population 71,996. There are two vaccinators now,
but one will be sufficient after the whole of the villages have been once gone
over. They vaccinated 4,287, and the percentage of success was 93.8. No
less than 54.8 per mille of population were successfully vaccinated. This is
the highest rate, except one in the whole presidency, and cannot, of course, be
maintained for any length of time. There are no small-pox returns.


103. The Penth state has a population of 47,033 and an area of 960
square miles, so the population is thin. There is 1 vac-
cinator who operated successfully on 26.9 per mille
of the population. His total primary vaccinations were 1,361, and there were
51 at the dispensary. The success was 98.3 per cent. on operations. There
was only one death from small-pox during the year in the whole state.
Progress is very satisfactory.

Progress in Eastern
Gujarath circle.

104. Dr. Cola is the superintendent of the Eastern Gujarath circle.
It has an area of only 15,939 square miles, and a
population of 3,147,853. There are 4 assistant
superintendents and 46 vaccinators; returns were
also received from 19 dispensaries and 1 jail. There is an average population
of 68,431 for each vaccinator, and an area of 346 square miles. The pri-
mary vaccinations reached 88,885, and the percentage of success 97.1.
There were 27.2 per mille of population successfully vaccinated. Re-vaccina-
tions reached only 1,759. The average number of persons operated on by each
vaccinator was 1,872, or 44 above the general average. The cost of each suc-
cessful vaccination was 4 annas and 11 pies, or 5 pies below the average of the