how far vaccination and re-vaccination have afforded protection
from death by small-pox in the present epidemic in the city of
Bombay. I, therefore, take the liberty of asking you, for the pub-
lic good and in the interest of science, to kindly fill up, in the form
on the back of this letter, the particulars of cases of small-pox
which have come under your cognizance as far as you can, and
return the form to me after the 1st July next, by which time I hope
the epidemic will have completely ceased.—I have, &c."

                                   Table No. XX.

Showing the particulars as regards the protection and non-pro-
tection in cases of small-pox in the present epidemic ; also the
ages of the persons attacked by small-pox; the number of
cases and deaths in each class.


Number of cases
in each class.

Number of
deaths in each

1st.—Unvaccinated ... ... ... ...

2nd.—Stated to be vaccinated, but having no
cicatrix ... ... ... ... ...


(a).—Having 1 vaccine cicatrix ...

(b).— „ 2 „ cicatrices ...

(c).— „ 3 „ „ ...

(d).— „ 4 „ „ ...

(e).— „ 5 „ „ ...

(f).— „ 6 or more „ ...

A. Having well-marked cicatrices ...

B. „ badly-marked „ ...

C. Re-vaccinated ... ... ...

4 th.—Having previously had small-pox ...


(a).—Under 1 year old ... ...

(b).—From 2 to 6 years old ... ...

(c).— „ 7 to 12 „ „ ... ...

(d).—Above 12 „ „ ... ...

If I can make anything of the information I will submit it to

Small-pox af-
ter successful
or after
having been
protected by

55. I asked superintendents to make a note of any instances
of small-pox occurring after good vaccination. Dr. Cody says :—
" There have been some instances reported, but I have seen none
" myself—they were in every case mild." Dr. Williams says :—
" There is no instance of recurrence of small-pox in any indivi-
" dual, but many instances of its occurrence in people who have
" been inoculated with the small-pox virus; and several of them