Dharwar col-

78. Dharwar collectorate.—No change in the number of
vaccinators. There were 20.7 only per mille of population vacci-
nated—an increase of only 0.5 over the previous year. Progress
in this zillah is slow, but it would be injudicious to unduly press
the unwilling Lingayats. Deaths from small-pox 238 to 485 in

Kahádgi col-

79. Kaládgi collectorate shows some progress: there were
25.4 per mille of population vaccinated successfully to 21.5 in
1874-75. There were 338 deaths from small-pox, or 52 more than
in the previous year.

Kanara col-

80. Kanara collectorate has in proportion to population the
greatest number of vaccinators of all the zillahs. The successful
vaccinations were 35.9 per mille of population, or a decrease
of 4.4 ; owing to several changes among the vaccinators, the new
hands did not do as much work as the old ones. There were only
137 deaths from small-pox, or 147 less than in 1874.

Native States
in Southern

81. The native states in this circle are Kolhápur, Sáwant
Wári, and the Southern Marátha States. There was no change
in the number of vaccinators. There were 38,958 successful
primary vaccinations, giving 24 per mille of population. Progress
in these states is very good.

Progress in
the Western

82. The Western circle is in charge of Surgeon Cody. He
has 5 assistant superintendents, and 51 vaccinators were at work
for the first half of the year and 50 in the latter half. They
have each, on an average, 57,287 of population, and the dispen-
sary officers take charge of 187,693 of a population. The suc-
cessful primary vaccinations were 80,881, and the rate per mille
26, or 1.2 more than in the previous year. There were only 678
re-vaccinations. Each vaccinator on an average operated on 1,607,
or 9 less than in 1874-75 and 388 below the general average.
The cost of each successful vaccination was annas 6-3, or 1-4
above the general average. The deaths from small-pox were 420,
or 169 less than in 1874.

Tanna col-

83. Tanna collectorate.—No change in the staff. The number
of persons primarily vaccinated successfully was 21,301, or 25.1
per mille of population, being 3.3 of an increase over last year.
The re-vaccinations have risen from 88 in 1874-75 to 220. Each
vaccinator's average is 1,632, or 201 above the preceding year, but
363 below the general average. The deaths from small-pox were
286, or 28 above the number in 1874.


84. In Colába collectorate there were 24.8 per mille of popu-
lation successfully vaccinated, or an increase of 2.7 over 1874-75.
The deaths from small-pox were 73, or 77 fewer than in the pre-
vious year.

Násik col-

85. Násik collectorate had 1 more vaccinator than in the
previous year. He was appointed for the new taluka of Kalwan,