24                              VACCINATION REPORT,


64. In the Sátára Collectorate there are 19 vaccinators. One additional
local fund vaccinator for the Tásgaon Táluka and four
municipal vaccinators—one for Karád, one for Tásgaon,
one for Wái and one between Ashta and Islámpur towns—are required. Each
vaccinator has on an average a population of 55,913 persons and an area of
262.5 square miles. There were 42,228 persons primarily vaccinated and 601
re-vaccinated. The successful cases of each were 39,513 or 93.57 and 458, or
76.21 per cent. The rate of protection per mille of population was 37.62
against 38.14 in 1888-89. Each vaccinator vaccinated 2,254 persons. The
total expenditure was Rs. 6,892-5-11, or annas 2 and pies 4 per each successful
case. It was annas 2 and pies 3 last year. No vaccination work was performed
by dispensary officers. There were 127 deaths from small-pox against 36 in
the previous year.


65. In the Ratnágiri Collectorate there are at present 16 vaccinators,
but 6 more are required, namely,—4 local fund
vaccinators (1 for Khed, 1 for Sangameshvar, 1 for
Ratnágiri, Rájápur and Devgad Tálukas, and 1 for Dápoli) and 2 municipal
vaccinators (1 for Ratnágiri and 1 for Chiplún towns). Each vaccinator at
present has on an average a population of 62,318 persons and an area of
245.12 square miles. The number of primary vaccinations was 34,192 and of
re-vaccinations 841. The successful cases were respectively 33,060 and 640 or
96.69 and 76.10 per cent. The rate of protection per mille of population was
33.80 against 31.86 last year. The average number of vaccinations for each
vaccinator was 2,190. The total cost was Rs. 5,296-1-1, or annas 2 and pies 2
per successful case ; last year it was annas 2 and pies 4. No vaccination work
was performed by dispensary officers. There were 264 deaths from small-pox
against 204 in the preceding year.

Native States in the Cen-
tral Registration District.

66. The Native States in this district are Akalkot, Modnimb (which
belongs to the Miraj State), Sátára Jághírs and
Sávantvádi. They have a collective population of
509,440 persons and an area of 3,828 square miles.
In Modnimb, vaccination is carried on by the Mádha Táluka vaccinator of the
Sholápur Zilla. The Sávantvádi State maintains 3 vaccinators. Akalkot has
1 and the Sátára Jághírs 6 vaccinators. The total number operated on,
excluding the dispensaries, was 17,045, of which 287 were re-vaccinations. The
successful cases were 15,849 or 94.58 per cent. and 180 or 62.72 percent. under
each kind of operation. The rate of protection per 1,000 of population was 31.46
against 31.84 last year. The total cost was Rs. 2,431-9-4, or annas 2 and pies 5
per successful case against annas 2 and pies 6 in the year preceding. In the
Sávantvádi dispensary 345 persons were vaccinated and 58 re-vaccinated, the
successful cases being 342 and 21.

Progress in the Southern
Registration District.

67. The Southern Registration District comprises the Collectorates of
Belgaum, Dhárwár, Bijápur and Kanára, the Kolhá-
pur States, Jath, the Southern Marátha Jághírs and
the Savanúr State under the Dhárwár Agency. It
has a population of 4,187,679 persons and is administered by a Deputy
Sanitary Commissioner, who has under his orders 6 Inspectors of Sanitation and
Vaccination, 1 Assistant Superintendent of Vaccination, 2 clerks, 9 municipal,
60 local fund, 6 candidate and 32 Native State vaccinators, and 106 peons.
Besides this establishment, 2 additional inspectors, 7 local fund, 3 candidate
and 1 municipal vaccinators are required. Vaccination was carried on by the
medical officers of 8 dispensaries. There were primarily vaccinated 169,443
and re-vaccinated 24,185 persons against 148,500 and 10,560 last year. There
were 159,487 or 94.12 per cent. successful primary vaccinations and 16,222 or
67.07 per cent. re-vaccinations, the rate of protection per mille of population
being 41.96 against 35.08 last year. The total cost was Rs. 51,564-13-0 and
the average cost per each successful case was annas 4 and pies 8 : the same as
last year.


68. In the Belgaum Collectorate there are 18 vaccinators. One additional
local fund and one municipal vaccinator are necessary,
and also one extra candidate vaccinator. Each vacci-