BOMBAY PRESIDENCY.                                     37

but when diluted lymph is used this is necessary in both cases." In other words,
the system, which it is proposed to introduce necessitates a more extensive scari-
fication of the skin of those operated upon than at present. Most of those who
have operated on native children will be inclined to believe that this necessity
for a more severe operation will not help to recommend the new procedure to
the people.

106. But even if the operation on human beings is necessarily more severe
as a consequence of diluted and not pure lymph being used, that on the calves
approaches the verge of cruelty. " Calves in all provinces have always been
hired, and it would have to be ascertained whether they are as readily to be
bought; for if the economical system of vaccinating these animals by scarification
be resorted to, it would be necessary to kill the calf after the lymph has been
gathered, not only because it is desirable to ascertain by post mortem examina-
tion that the animal was perfectly healthy, but also because a very extensive
wound is made from which the animal would recover with difficulty and after
a painful time." It would not be easy to suggest a procedure better calculated
to set the people of this country against vaccination than the one described.

Further inquiry is necessary before Government is finally committed to a
scheme, which most men practically acquainted with vaccination in this country
cannot but regard with misgivings.

                                                         C. W. MACRURY, D.P.H., Camb.,
                                                                               Sanitary Commissioner.

16th June 1890.

B 296—10