Inspection work done by
the Deputy Sanitary Com-

28. Of the 30,577 cases of vaccination inspected by the Deputy Sanitary
Commissioners 18,025 or 58.95 per cent. of the total
number were tested by calling names from the register.
In the Western Registration District the inspections
with the register were 5,820 or 32.29 per cent.; in the

Central Registration District 4,259 or 23.63 per cent.; in the Southern Registra-
tion District 1,587 or 8.74 per cent. ; in Gujarát Registration District 5,262 or
29.19 per cent.; and in Sind Registration District 1,097 or 6.09 per cent.

Tours of the Deputy Sani-
tary Commissioners.

29. The Deputy Sanitary Commissioner, Western Registration District,
visited 12 tálukás, 217 towns and villages and travelled
3,793 miles. The Deputy Sanitary Commissioner,
Central Registration District, visited 11 tálukás, 108
towns and villages and travelled 3,425 miles. The Deputy Sanitary Commissioner,
Southern Registration District, visited 5 tálukás, 41 towns and villages and
travelled 4,375 miles. The Deputy Sanitary Commissioner, Gujarát Registra-
tion District, visited 22 tálukás, 216 towns and villages and travelled 4,551 miles.
The Deputy Sanitary Commissioner, Sind Registration District, visited 11
tálukás, 41 towns and villages and travelled 1,495 miles.

Villages visited and not
visited by Vaccinators.

30. Out of 54,101 villages in the Presidency 44,869 were visited by Vaccin-
ators and 9,232 (or 17.06 per cent.) were not visited.
In the British Territory 37,777 villages were visited
and 8,324 (or 18.05 per cent.) not visited ; whilst in
Native States out of 8,000 villages 7,092 were visited and the number of
unvisited villages was 908 (or 11.35 per cent.).

During the triennium the average number of villages visited annually was
37,833 in British Territory and 7,049 in the Native States.


31. The number of deaths from small-pox during each year of the triennial
period was 8,902, 3,053 and 1,800. The proportion
of children under 10 years of age who died from
small-pox to the total deaths in 1905-06, 1906-07, 1907-08 was 41 : 89, 1 : 3 and
1 : 3 respectively.

Work of the Inspectors
of Sanitation and Vaccina-

32. There were 40 Inspectors of Sanitation and Vaccination on duty. The
names of 340,414 vaccinated persons were called from
registers by them ; of these, 2,32,102 were present. Of
those present, 220,644 were protected and 11,458
unprotected, 181,698 persons (or 82.35 per cent.)
bore good cicatrices and 38,946 (or 17.65 per cent.) had bad or imperfect ones.
The results, as entered by the Vaccinators in the registers, were 305,765 (or
89.82 per cent.) successful, 9,354 (or 2.75 per cent.) unsuccessful or doubtful;
25,704 persons were entered as " unknown " and 409 as secondary operations.

Conduct of the members
in the Department.

33. The Inspectors of Sanitation and Vaccination
and Vaccinators worked well on the whole but require
constant supervision.


34. No inoculation was reported to have been
practised in the Presidency.

Ill-effects by vaccination.

35. No instances of any disease were reported
as having been communicated through vaccination.

Diagram shewing the pro-
portion of population pro-
tected during seven years
and the death-rate from
small-pox during the

36. A diagram, illustrating the proportion of
population protected by vaccination in each district
during the seven preceding years, with the death-rates
from small-pox during each of the three years of the
triennial period under review, is attached after Appen-
dix III.

Opposition to vaccination.

37. Opposition to vaccination was reported from
Gujarát and Sind Registration Districts.

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