PRESIDENCY FOR THE YEARS 1908-09, 1909-10 AND 1910-11.

Triennial          vaccination

This report on vaccination in the Bombay
Presidency deals with the triennial period 1908-09,
1909-10 and 1910-11.

Supervision in the Native

2. In accordance with Government Resolution in the Political Department
No. 1635, dated 11th March 1911, the supervision of
vaccination in the Akalkot State by this Department
has been withdrawn and the State authorities will
in future make their own arrangements for vaccination.

Control of vaccinators by
local bodies.

3. By Resolutions No. 1863, dated 8th April 1909, and No. 464, dated 2Sth
January 1910, in the General Department, Govern-
ment sanctioned a trial for one year of the system of
control of vaccinators by local bodies, and the
districts selected for this purpose were Surat, Sholápur, Bijápur, West Khándesh
and Sukkur. The working of this new system will form the subject of a
special report to Government.

4. During the year 1910-11 owing to the absence on leave of the
permanent incumbent and his transfer towards the end of the year to Bombay
to act as Port Health Officer, the office of the Deputy Sanitary Commissioner,
Western Registration District, was held by four officers.

In Sind, the Civil Surgeon, Karáchi, acted as Deputy Sanitary Commissioner
as an additional charge for the last eighteen days of March during the absence of
Captain Murphy on deputation to Amritsar. There were no changes in the
other registration districts.

The advisability of employing full time officers in the Department has been
recognised and it is hoped that in future such officers will be available for all
but the short time vacancies.

Strength of the Depart-

5. Except the entertainment of two additional
vaccinators in Sind, and one in Bombay City, no
changes took place in the Vaccination Establishment.

Primary           vaccination,
Appendix I, Statements I
and III.

6.    The total number of persons primarily vaccinated during 1910-11
was 661,637 as compared with 665,602 in the preced-
ing year and 672,252 in 1908-09. The average
number of persons vaccinated annually during the
triennium under review was 666,497 against 599,230 in the preceding triennial
period, showing an increase of 67,267. The number of persons successfully
vaccinated in 1910-11 was 601,350 against 609,827 in 1909-10 and 599,291 in
1908-09. Although there was a decrease under this head in 1910-11 as
compared with the last year the average for the triennium shows an increase
of 62,898 persons successfully vaccinated. The percentage of successful cases
in which the results were known was 98.76 in 1910-11 against 96.96 in 1909-10
and 96.02 in 1908-09. The average percentage in the triennial period under
report was 97.25 against 96.80 in the preceding triennium.

7.    An instructive comparison can be made by noting the results of
primary vaccinations during the present and two preceding triennial periods.
The averages of numbers vaccinated and the success attained are shown in the
following table:—

Triennial period.

Average number
of primary

of success.










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