FOR 1911-12.

Brief report.

The report on vaccination for 1911-12 consists of brief notes and the
usual statements.

Vaccination work in Native

2. By Government Resolution in the Political Department, No. 1635,
dated 11th March 1911, this department was relieved
of the supervision of vaccination work in the Akalkot
State and therefore the statistics relating thereto have
been shown in Appendix II.

Administrative control of
vaccination by local bodies.

3. The scheme relating to the control of vaccinators by local bodies
was extended for a further period of one year by
Government Resolution in the General Department,
No. 7321, dated 27th December 1911. All things
considered, the experiment has not been an unqualified success. The District
Local Boards cannot deal with the technical points involved. They expect
the Inspectors to do clerical work which was never intended to be included
in their duties, thereby wasting valuable time which might be much better
employed in other ways, and there is a general lack of supervision all round,
which predisposes to slackness and inefficiency amongst the vaccinators.

Strength of the depart-

4. There was no change in the strength of the establishment except for
the creation of two new posts of Municipal Vaccin-
ators, one in Sholápur and the other in Jacobabad

Total number of persons
primarily vaccinated and
re-vaccinated (Appendix I,
Statements I and III).

5. During the year 1911-12, 692,173 primary vaccinations and 68,692
re-vaccinations were performed against 661,637 and
59,403 in the previous twelve months, showing
an increase of 30,536 in the former and 9,289 in
the latter.

Increase or decrease in
primary and re-vaccination.

6. There was an increase in primary vaccination in all the Registration
Districts except the Central where there was a decrease
of 2,296, which was attributed to the deficit of avail-
able children owing to the abnormal number vaccin-
ated at the time of the severe epidemic of small-pox at Poona in 1910. There
was a slight decrease in re-vaccination in the Western and Central Registration

It is satisfactory to record this increase in spite of the severe plague
epidemic of 1911-12 and a decrease in the population in some districts of
the Presidency.

Results in the number of
persons primarily vaccinated
(Appendix I, Statements I
and III).

7. Out of 692,173 persons primarily vaccinated 629,814 or 90.99 per cent.
were successful, 6,356 or .92 unsuccessful, while in
56,243 cases the results could not be ascertained. In
240 cases a second operation was done on account of
the failure of the first attempt. The percentage of
success excluding " unknown" was 99.00.

Results in re-vaccination.

8. During the year under report 68,692 persons were re-vaccinated. The
number of successful cases was 19,123 or 27.84 per
cent. In 31,341 instances the result could not be
ascertained and in 18,243 the operation failed. In 15 cases the operation
was repeated.


9. There were 358,719 males and 333,454 females primarily vaccinated
and 55,147 males and 13,545 females re-vaccinated
during the year. The total number of persons
operated on was 413,866 males and 346,999 females. Of the number of persons
B 504—1