( 2 )

10.    The operations of this department cost Rupees 18,289, against Ru-
pees 14,881 in the previous year, the increase being due to promotions and to
additions to the establishment. A larger establishment and fewer subjects
operated on raise the average cost of each successful case from 7 annas to 9
annas and 9 pie.

11.     On the whole, although the results are not so favorable, the excuse
which has been offered is a valid one, and as a supply of good lymph was not
obtained until long after it was due, I think a fair amount of progress has been
made during the year; and Doctor Abbott has, in my opinion, controlled his
Department with efficiency.

                                                                        I have, &c.,
                                                      (Signed) W. NEMBHARD, Lieut-Col.,

                                                                  Hyderabad Assigned Districts.